
2023届高三英语二轮复习培优?名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选习题:Always Believe in Miracles(含答案)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:83次 大小:46164Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Always Believe in Miracles 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选Always Believe in Miracles 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 圣诞奇迹 四星 891 【文章梗概】小女孩在圣诞节前生了一场传染病,妈妈一人留在家中陪护。23日下午,她们收到了妈妈的好姐妹关照要别在睡衣上的祈福奖章,24日下午,奇迹出现了,小女孩真的烧退了;圣诞节早上第二个奇迹出现了,她们惊喜地收到了好心邻居送来的礼物篮子。至今,小女孩依然相信圣诞老人,相信奇迹。 Where there is great love there are always miracles. Willa Cather The year was 1924, and it was a few days before Christmas. Outside, a blinding snowstorm raged around the typical city row house into which my family had moved from the country only two months earlier. We hadn’t yet become acquainted with any of our new neighbors. I didn’t see thesnowflakes making frosty designs on my window, nor was I aware of my mother’s lonely vigil by my bedside. I was a little girl of five, deep in a feverish coma, and had the only case of the dreaded diphtheria in Philadelphia. Two weeks earlier, my illness had been diagnosed by the neighborhood’s family doctor, whose office was a well-worn room in the basement of his home at the corner of the block. Immediately, my father and older sister had been given shots of antitoxin and shipped off to relatives until the danger passed. My mother, refusing to trust her child to a strange hospital, in a strange city, stayed behind to nurse me at home. The city posted yellow warning signs on our front and back doors announcing acontagious disease. To make doubly sure no one other than the doctor approached, a policeman stood guard, twenty-four hours a day, outside each door. It was also their duty to see that my mother remained inside. Mail was laid on the doorstep, and the officer would tap on the door, then move back some distance to see that my mother opened the door only acrack and quickly took the mail inside. In those days, Christmas shopping didn’t begin in October, nor were toys given in the abundance popular today. A week or so before was time enough to prepare, and the tree was to be decorated by Santa Claus when he came on Christmas Eve. This year, in my family, it was different. With the suddenonset of diphtheria, no thought had been given to Christmas. My getting well was all that mattered. Late in the afternoon of December twenty-third, the policeman tapped on the door. There was a letter on the stoop from my mother’s sister. She was Catholic, and she’denclosed a small bag of medals with her letter. “I can’t be with you,” she wrote, “but I want to help. My priest has blessed these medals. The bag is never to be opened, just pin it on your little girl’s nightgown and believe.” My mother, willing to try anything, pinned the medals to my gown, but with little hope, as she looked down at my drawn cheeks and proceeded to apply cool compresses to my forehead. My eyes remained closed. During his visit, the doctor’s face was grave, and he only shook his head ... ...

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