

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:95次 大小:46402Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Artie 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选Artie 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 亲情与礼物 三星 695 【文章梗概】我很喜欢药店的一只土豚,但是因为家里买不起它,只能每次去药店给奶奶买助听器电池的时候,才能悄悄跟它玩耍,所以每次我都会在药店耽误很长的时间,这是我的秘密。后来哥哥发现了我的秘密,但他并没有拆穿我,每次都会让我陪土豚玩。有一天土豚不见了,我很伤心难过。圣诞节的时候,哥哥把它当成礼物送给了我。 Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero. ~Marc Brown I rushed through the big glass doors of Lehman’s Pharmacy. I was there to buy my grandmother’s hearing aid batteries while my mother waited outside in the car. She would notice if I took too long, but this was my chance to visit the love of my life — Artie. I rushed to his aisle, and there he was, right where I last saw him: a brown, fuzzy little guy with a large tan nose that fit perfectly over my shoulder as I squeezed him tightly. I adored that aardvark stuffed animal. But my mother noticed, saying, “You took a long time in Lehman’s — and I looked — there weren’t huge lines. Next time, your brother is going in with you.” Oh, great! My brother, Rich, was going to accompany me into the pharmacy. He would watch me like a hawk and report everything to our mother. I wasn’t going to give up seeing my precious Artie. So, as we walked into the store together, I suggested to Rich that he get the batteries, since he was older. He agreed but said I shouldn’t be going off to look at the cosmetics, as I wasn’t allowed to wear them yet. He needn’t have worried about that; I was already heading toward Artie. There he was, awaiting me. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly, his tan nose fitting perfectly on my shoulder. Just then, I heard him: “What in the world are you doing ” My cover was blown. “This is Artie,” I said. “His nose rests perfectly on my shoulder, and I hug him every single time I come here. Don’t tell Mom. I know we can’t afford him, and I hope he doesn’t get sold, because I just love this little guy.” The look on Rich’s face was unreadable, but I knew deep down that he wasn’t going to make fun of me. In fact, a few times when he accompanied me to the pharmacy, he said, “Go on and hug your ugly animal, if it’s still there, and I’ll get Gram’s batteries.” One day, Rich was working with Dad somewhere, so Mom took me to Lehman’s alone and said, “You get to go in by yourself, again. Just don’t take forever, okay ” I rushed into the pharmacy and went straight to Artie’s shelf. But he was gone. I searched high and low. I wanted to cry, but I kept holding out hope that Artie would be on one of the shelves that I hadn’t checked. Suddenly, a voice from the counter interrupted my search. It was Mrs. Lehman herself. “Are you looking for that stuffed animal you hug every single time you’re here ” “How did you… ” “Know We do have mirrors in the store, dear. See them We can see almost everything. Honey, I’m ... ...

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