
2023届高三英语二轮复习培优?名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选习题:Best Friends(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:55次 大小:41759Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Best Friends 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选Best Friends 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 友谊的理解 三星 628 【文章梗概】我,为了恳求朋友Ann陪我多玩一会儿,忍痛割爱地把已逝的Reba姑妈给我的一双小小的鹿皮靴给了Ann。靴子送出去了,Ann陪我玩着,我却开心不起来。为自己所作的事情耿耿于怀,以至于饭也没有吃,一个人呆在房间里。我终于决定去要回这双承载了我对姑妈所有美好记忆的小小的靴子,同时也思考到底什么是真正的朋友?真正的朋友是愿意和你陪你一起,也从不要求回报的。 We’re swallowed up only when we’re willing for it to happen. “Please stay,” I begged. Ann was my best friend, the only other girl in the neighborhood, and I didn’t want her to go. She sat on my bed, her blue eyes blank. “I’m bored,” she said, slowly twirling her thick red pigtail around her finger. She had come to play a half hour ago. “Please don’t go,” I pleaded. “Your mother said you could stay an hour.” Ann started to get up, then spotted a pair of miniature Indian moccasins on my bedside table. With their bright-colored beads on buttery leather, the moccasins were my most cherished possession. “I’ll stay if you’ll give me those,” Ann said. I frowned. I couldn’t imagine parting with the moccasins. “But Aunt Reba gave them to me,” I protested. My aunt had been a beautiful, kind woman. I had really adored her. She was never too busy to spend time with me. We made up silly stories and laughed and laughed. The day she died, I cried under a blanket for hours, unable to believe that I would never see her again. Now, as I cuddled the soft moccasins in my hands, I was filled with fond memories of Aunt Reba. “Come on,” prodded Ann. “I’m your best friend.” As if she needed to remind me! I don’t know what came over me, but more than anything, I wanted someone to play with me. I wanted someone to play with so much that I handed Ann the moccasins! After she stuffed them in her pocket, we rode our bikes up and down the alley a few times. Soon it was time for her to go. Upset at what I had done, I didn’t feel like playing anyway. I pleaded “not hungry” that evening and dragged off to bed without dinner. Once up in my room, I began to really miss those moccasins! When my mom had tucked me in and turned out the light, she asked me what was wrong. Through my tears, I told her how I had betrayed Aunt Reba’s memory and how ashamed I felt. Mom hugged me warmly, but all she could say was, “Well, I guess you’ll have to decide what to do.” Her words didn’t seem to help. Alone in the dark, I began to think more clearly. Kids’ code says you don’t give, then take back. But was it a fair trade Why did I let Ann toy with my feelings But most of all, is Ann really my best friend I decided what I would do. I tossed and turned all night, dreading daylight. At school the next day, I cornered Ann. I took a deep breath and asked for the moccasins. Her eyes narrowed, and she stared at me for a long time. Please, I was thinking. Please. “Okay,” she ... ...

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