
2023届高三英语二轮复习培优?名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选习题:Daddy Can(含答案)

日期:2024-06-16 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:71次 大小:48008Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高三英语培优·名著阅读之心灵鸡汤精选 Daddy Can 班级:_____学号:_____姓名:_____ 心灵鸡汤精选Daddy Can 话题归类 阅读难度 词数 父亲的力量 五星 785 【文章梗概】父亲是一位非常睿智严谨的长者,所以每当女儿遇到生活的考验时,只要想着“爸爸做得到”,眼前问题就都能解决掉。然而,父亲最终离开了。痛失亲人的悲伤还未消散,这时女儿发现陪伴了她13年最亲近的狗狗也奄奄一息。之后女儿在梦中见到了自己的父亲,父亲像往常一样安慰她不用担心。当女儿醒来的时候,她发现狗狗正朝她摇晃着尾巴,奇迹般地恢复了健康。女儿流下了感激的眼泪,并记着“爸爸一定行”。 Once you have had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished. ~Dean Koontz The end was nearing for Daddy. The brilliant mind, fastidious habits, acerbic wit — they’d all disappeared a few years earlier. He’d been a leader of men. Now he had trouble guiding his fork to his mouth. Gone were the days of erect posture and immaculate grooming, well-cut suits and blinding white dress shirts. It was easier now to keep him in pajamas. He was still terribly handsome for a man of his years, but shaving that cleft chin was a chore. He’d cursed us recently for installing a zoo in the back yard. It was “unsanitary.” It was “unthinkable.” It was the great-grandchildren’s inflatable toys bobbing in the pool. I had always relied on Daddy. No matter how big the problem to be solved, my first thought was, “Daddy can.” I didn’t know how to let him go. The time came when a gray hearse took him from us. When I saw him next, he looked plastic, made up. We, as a family, do not fear death as some do; we never skirt the subject in conversation. So it was no great surprise to anyone but the undertaker when I shooed him away and reapplied Daddy’s make-up myself. My father would never go out in public not looking his best. He didn’t “feel” right, his skin not responding as it would have in life, but I’d expected that. Mother had chosen his navy suit for burial because it made his eyes so very blue. It didn’t matter that nobody would see those clear blue eyes again. Arriving home from the service, my heart in shreds, I found my closest companion of thirteen years whimpering in her dog bed. The knots and lumps under her skin had reached critical mass, and she shivered with pain. Now It couldn’t be. How could I give up my best friend today, of all days My skin went clammy, and I felt faint. I lay on the floor and wrapped myself around her, murmuring soft words with a coppery taste in my mouth. Eventually, my husband pried my arms from her and lifted her, bed and all. “I’ll take her back to the vet and see if he can do anything for her. But if not . . .” I told her goodbye. Bereavement settled its weight on me. Moving through quicksand, I laid aside my black suit, now dappled with gray fur, and huddled between cold, white sheets to wait. God, how can I bear this I could not judge the passage of time. I began to hear something, some mournful sound, low and guttural. The volume grew. I was alarmed by it, but the heaviness o ... ...

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