
牛津译林版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 2 Be Sporty,Be Healthy welcome reading课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:17555437Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy liking or good at sport A sound mind starts from a sound body. How can a weak body develop a sound mind. 有健全之身体,始有健全之精神;若身体柔弱,则思想精神何由发达。 —蔡元培 Cai Yuanpei, a great revolutionist and educator. Joke time P85 Pun双关 A pun is the clever or humorous use of a word that has more than one meaning, or of words that have different meanings but sound the same. Joke time Joke time A beginner's guide to exercise A beginner's guide to exercise What’s the type of this passage Who is the target reader What is the purpose of this guide What guide would you give to exercise beginners A beginner's guide to exercise Work in groups of four to finish the mind map of this passage Each group member should be in charge of one paragraph. mind map Understanding the benefits of exercise physical mental increase the efficiency of heart and lungs have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases reduce stress and get over negative feelings improve certain brain functions Understanding the benefits of exercise 1.What are the benefits increase the efficiency of heart and lungs have better immune systems and are at lower risk of diseases improve certain brain functions help reduce stress and get over negative feelings 2. Are there other benefits of exercise Planning your exercise routine heart and lung efficiency muscle strength flexibility 1. Aerobic exercise By definition, aerobic exercise means “with oxygen.” Your breathing and heart rate will increase during aerobic activities. Types of exercise 2. Strength exercise 3. Flexibility exercise Eating and drinking right What Eating and drinking right What When before exercising: 1.5~2h after exercising: ≥30mins Drink throughout exercise Avoiding injury Wear proper clothes and equipment Start small Warm up and stretch Work out a better title for this passage

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