

日期:2024-05-19 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:26次 大小:1034057Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件34张PPT。高考英语作文万能句制作:汕头金山中学话题一:感恩1.看了这则新闻后,我无法用语言来表达对廖(人名)对待父母的行为的愤怒。毕竟廖的母亲是来深圳帮助带孙子的,但廖却称他母亲“猪”是微不足道的事情,这损坏了公务员的形象,应该受到责备和惩罚。 After reading the news report,words failed to convey my anger at the way Liao's mother had been treated.After all,his mom came to Shenzhen to help take care of her grandson.Liao called his mom"a pig" in response to trivial events,which has stained the image of a public servant and he should be scolded and punished.2.你对学校的德育教育有什么好的建议? 我呼吁我国的中小学和大学要重视德育教育。首先,培养对父母的感恩之情应该是校园生活的主题,因为我们的父母不遗余力的抚育我们成长,当我遇到挫折时,他们鼓励我,安慰我,劝诫我。 I call on Chinese schools and universities to lay a strong emphasis on moral education.First of all,fostering a deep sense of gratitude for parents should be the subject of the school life as our parents spare no effort to support us growing up and encourage, inspire,comfort,exhort(劝诫) me when I am in my frustration挫折.3.第二,我们可以不断的举办表达对父母感恩为主题的班会,也可以表达给予我们帮助的人的爱戴和感激之情,因为如果我们每个人怀有感恩之情的话,我们就会消除不安,不满和不幸,过上更好,更美好的生活。 Secondly,we can hold class meetins from time to time with the theme of how to express thanks to not only our parents but show love,gratitude and appreciation to those who offer their hands to help us,because if each of us has an attitude of being grateful,we'll be able to get rid of upset ,dissatisfaction and misfortune and lead to a better and more beautiful life. 4.最后,鼓励同学们给家长写信,争当好学生,不辜负父母的期望 Last but not least,encourge students to write to their parents and strive to become a good student that live up to their parents' expectations. 结尾:呼吁 Remember it's love and sincere care that counts.Under no circumstances should we ignore showing love and care to our parents.话题二:运动1.有人说学生在校期间应每天都抽出时间锻炼身体。有些不在乎身体健康的人则认为,学生一整天的时间都应该花在学习上,锻炼会浪费他们的时间。 Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day while those who have no interest in pursuing physical fitness hold the opinion that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies because taking exercise will be a waste of time.2.我认为,每天抽出一定时间锻炼身体,对每个孩子的学习都有好处。 However,in my opinion,short periods of physical exercise every school day are universally helpful to the education of all students. 3.如果制定一项政策,规定学生在校期间必须每天锻炼身体,毫无疑问,受益最多的将是那些有运动细胞的学生。首先,经验告诉我们,疲劳的大脑无法有效地吸收信息和记忆信息。 There is no doubt that students who are athletically inclined will reap the most benefits from a policy that requires physical exercise to be a part of every school day.First of all,everyone knows from experience that a tired mind ... ...

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