
2023年高考英语二轮复习教案(新高考专用) 语法填空 01--冠词、介词、代词等无提示词的复习 Word版含解析

日期:2024-06-24 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:33次 大小:307860Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【高频考点解密】2023年高考英语二轮复习讲义 语法填空 解密1 冠词、代词、介词等无提示词的复习要点 【构建知识体系】 语法填空 有提示词 1.动词:时态;语态;非谓语动词形式;词形转换 2.形容词:形容词和副词相互转换;比较级;最高级;反义词;词形转换 3.名词:名词单复数变化及词形转换 4.代词:人称代词的主格和宾格;形容词性物主代词;名词性物主代词;反身代词 5.数词:基数词;序数词;加后缀-teen或-ty等 无提示词 1.连词 (1)并列连词but,and,or等 (2)从属连词what,that,when等 2.副词:however,therefore,so…… 3.代词:it 4.冠词:an,a,the 5.介词及固定短语 6.情态动词(考查的几率较低) 【英语学科素养解读】 新课标 要求 命题解读 2020高考评价体系的说明 《普通高中英语课程标准》明确指出:高英语语法知识包括词法知识和句法知识:词法关注词的形态变化,如名词的数、格,动词的时、态(体)等;句法关注句子结构,如句子的成分、语序、种类等。词法和句法之间的关系非常紧密。在语言使用中,语法知识是“形式———意义———使用”的统一体,与语音、词汇、语篇和语用知识紧密相连,直接影响语言理解和表达的准确性和得体性。 高中阶段英语语法知识的学习应在更加丰富的语境中通过各种英语学习和实践活动进一步巩固和恰当运用所学的语法知识,学会在语境中理解和运用新的语法知识,进一步发展英语语法意识。 语篇型语法填空则更侧重考查考生语法和词汇在语境中的运用,强调词汇的变形。同时强调语篇分析能力,凸显交际性和语境化特征。 《中国高考评价体系2020》 考查必备知识:词法和句法知识; 关键能力: 在具体语境中,运用语法的能力,阅读理解能力。 【解密新高考真题】———预测高考命题方向 考点一 冠词、代词、介词等无提示词的高考解密 2023年命题解读和近三年考点分布 考点 题型 冠词 语法填空 2022 2022新高考I卷the;2022新高考II卷the;2022全国甲卷A;2022全国乙卷the 2021 2021·英语全国甲卷the; 2021·全国新高考I卷a; 2021·全国高考乙卷the; 2021年新高考全国Ⅱ卷the; 2021·浙江卷6月the 2020 全国II 70 the (1)冠词 1.(2022新高考I卷)Covering an area about three times _____ size of Yellowstone National Park, the GPNP will be one of the first national parks in the country. 2.(2022新高考II卷)_____ Brown family live in an apartment building outside Toronto. On the day of the accident, Mrs. Brown was at work and Eric was at home with his father. 3.(2022全国甲卷)_____ friend of his, Wu Fan, volunteered to be his companion during the trip. 4.(2022全国乙卷)To celebrate _____ festival, a number of events took place at the Chinese Businessman Museum in Beijing on Thursday. 5.(2022年浙江 1月真题)Cobb, for her party, started to ask conference organizers who invited her to speak if she could do so remotely; about three-quarters of _____ time, they agreed. 6.【2021·英语全国甲卷】 It took us about 3 hours to go all 48. way around the Xi'an City Wall. 7.【2021·全国新高考I卷】While you’re in China, Mount Huangshan is 65. must to visit! 8.【2021·新高考全国Ⅱ卷】A company representative wrote back and told me the airline was switching over 45. plastic to paper cups on all of its 1,200 daily flights. 9.【2021·全国高考乙卷】Due to 65. growing popularity of environmentally-related and adventure travel, various types of trips are now being classi ... ...

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