
Lesson 10 Touch the World 课件-冀教版英语九年级全册(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:25525760Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Lesson10: Touch the World Lead-in 海伦·凯勒 19世纪美国女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家,盲哑聋人。享年88岁。87年生活在无声、无光的世界中。在十九个月时因患猩红热而被夺去视力和听力。她完成了一系列著作,并致力于为残疾人造福,建立慈善机构,1964年荣获“总统自由勋章”,次年入选美国《时代周刊》评选“二十世纪美国十大英雄偶像”之一。主要著作有《假如给我三天光明》、《我的生活》等。 What do you know about Helen Keller Helen was blind and deaf. Her teacher gave her lots of help. As Helen grew older, she learned to read, write and even speak. She finished university at last. Helen did her best to help other people who were deaf and blind. objectives To learn the Attributive Clause with “who”, “that” To learn some new words: Writer, blind, deaf, illness, ability, progress, community… planetary Helen Keller writer educator blind deaf illness adj. 行星的 海伦·凯勒 n. 作家 n. 教育家;教育工作者 adj. 失明的;瞎的 adj. 失聪的;聋的 n. 疾病 Words and Expressions ability Anne Sullivan progress community greatly n. 能力 安妮·沙利文 n. 进步;进展 n. 社区;社会 adv. 非常;很 Words and Expressions THINK ABOUT IT ·Have you heard of Helen Keller What can you learn from her ·Do you know any sign language Helen Keller Dies at 88 Helen Keller, the well known writer and educator , died yesterday at the age of 88. Helen Keller was a model for people around the world. THE PLANETARY POST·JUNE 2,1968 课 文 呈 现 Helen was born in 1880 in the United States. When she was nineteen months old, Helen fell ill. She had a high fever that made her blind and deaf . Before her illness, Helen was a bright and happy girl. After she lost her ability to see and hear, she became difficult and wild. She often shouted and cried. In 1887, a young teacher named Anne Sullivan, began to help Helen. She spelled words on Helen's hand with her fingers. At first, the words didn't mean anything to Helen. Then, one day , while Helen was playing in some water, Anne spelled W A T E R on Helen's hand. Suddenly, Helen understood. That day, she learned many more words: mother, father, sister and teacher. Anne was filled with pride. As Helen grew older, she made a lot of progress and learned to read. She had special books with letters that she could feel with her fingers. She also learned to write and even speak. When Helen studied at university, Anne sat beside her. She listened to the professors' words and spelled them on Helen's hand. After Helen finished university, she visited many countries. She spoke about her life. She was very famous for her courage and hard work. She did her best to help others in the community who were deaf or blind. She tried to live her life without any regret. She will be greatly missed. 知识点 well known/'wel'n n/ adj. 著名的;出名的 eg: She was well known two years ago. 两年前她就出名了。 考向 well known 常用短语: be well-known 作为……而闻名 eg: Zhou Xun is well-known as an actress. 周迅作为一名女演 ... ...

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