

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:76次 大小:56135Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2022届山西省部分市高三英语4月模试试题分类汇编 完形填空 2022届山西省太原市高三模拟考试(二)英语试题 第一节(共20小题;每小题2分, 满分40分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The two separate e-mails bearing good news landed in my inbox within hours of each other: my fifth grader had placed third in a poetry contest while my eighth grader received an honorable mention in a writing contest. Not only was I 41 of my girls for placing, but for having the confidence to 42 . Working at home, I had no one in 43 life to share the news with. So I went to the Facebook. I wrote a lovely status 44 starting out with“So proud of these two!" and went on to list their 45 . Just as I was about to share the post with my 800-plus Facebook friends, I 46 . I' m not so sure how my girls would feel about the news going 47 ,even though it' s positive. For 48 children, having their faces and activities pasted across the Internet mostly happens without their permission, but it's 49 now that my two older daughters are eleven and almost fourteen. They both have a Facebook page and we all 50 each other. It' s unlikely that a post I make involving them will go 51 . As they travel through adolescence, I want to make sure I use 52 to stay connected to my girls, no alienate (疏远) myself from them. Posting about their victories might be seen as embarrassing rather than cause for 53 . Or, maybe publicly 54 my children ' s achievements online is just another way to let them know how proud I am of them— 55 it' s“just”third place or an honorable mention. In a culture where it seems coming in first is all that 56 , I want my daughters to realize that their 57 and commitment are important, wherever they place. In the end, I waited until my 58 came home to ask them what they thought about me making the post. After reapproving the photo and the text, they both agreed it could 59 . My older one even let me tag her. “Thanks for 60 that, mom, " she said the next day. “It got 120 likes. You must be pretty proud. " 42. A. compete B. respond C. explore D. change 43. A. vivid B. simple C. real D. virtual 44. A. e-mail B. story C. update D. name 45. A. hobbies B. awards C. strengths D. courses 46. A. failed B. hurried C. came D. hesitated 47. A. wrong B. silent C. crazy D. public 48. A. younger B. smarter C. braver D. calmer 49. A. amazing B. sensible C. different D. natural 50. A. follow B. believe C. understand D. encourage 51. A. unexpected B. untouched C. unpunished D. unnoticed 52. A. advice B. knowledge C. technology D. equipment 53. A. optimism B. celebration C. surprise D. relief 54. A. gaining B. measuring C. comparing D. announcing 55. A. even if B. as though C. in case D. now that 56. A. stays B. appears C. counts D. remains 57. A. luck B. effort C. pride D. applause 58. A. friends B. relatives C. neighbors D. angels 59. A. go live B. come alive C. pass down D. stand out 60. A. hitting B. posting C. repeating D. examining 2022届山 ... ...

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