
人教版七年级下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section B 3a-3d 课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:81次 大小:1683198Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Writing Revision 1. 沿着...走 2. 左转 3. 右转 4. 在左边 5. 在你的右边 6. 在第一个路口左转 7. 在第二个路口右转 8. 在超市前面(范围外) 9. 在邮局对面 10. 在图书馆后面 11. 在学校和警察局之间 1. walk along/ go down/ go along 2. turn left 3. turn right 4. on the left 5. on your right 6. turn left at the first crossing 7. turn right at the second crossing 8. in front of the supermarket 9. be across from the post office 10. behind the library 11. between the school and the police station Where is the supermarket There is a supermarket on New Street. The supermarket is between the post office and the library. The supermarket is next to the library. Look and say Where is the park The park is on North Street. The park is next to the hotel. Where is the hotel The hotel is on North Street. The hotel is next to the park. Look and say How to introduce the neighborhood Where do you live Where What is your favorite place What Why do you like that place Why How do you get there How Discussion My house is across from a _____ on Long Street. I usually go shopping at a _____ near my house. It is between a _____ and the _____. On weekends, I like to play in the _____. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on North Street. It is on the right, next to a _____. library supermarket post office library park hotel 购物 do some shopping Look at the map of Cindy’s neighborhood and fill in the blanks. 3a Structure 人称:第一人称 时态:一般现在时 我家住哪 家附近的描述 My house is across from a library on Long Street. I usually go shopping at a supermarket near my house. It is between a post office and the library. On weekends, I like to play in the park. And it is my favotite place because of the clean air and sunshine. To get there, I go along Long Street and turn left on North Street. It is on the right, next to a hotel. 喜欢的地方和原因 怎样去喜欢的地方 审题 体裁 记叙文 话题 路线 时态 现在进行时 人称 第一人称 段落 布局 居住地方 I live in a ... neighborhood. / There is a ... . 最喜欢的 地方和原因 My favorite place is ... because ... ... are doing sth . I like ... best because ... . 路线 To get there, I can/ should/ need to ... . / I can get there easily. Just ... 假如你是李明,Anna是你的笔友,她从美国过来看望你。你因为工作繁忙无法到机场接她,就给了Anna去你家的路线。请根据以下路线提示写一封信给Anna。 1.李明住在一个喧闹的街区。 2.离开机场 (airport)后乘12路公共汽车,在公共汽车上建议坐在前面,这样会让她感觉好点儿。 3.在中心街下车。然后,沿着中心街一直往前走。 4.在第一个十字路口向左拐。这时就可以看到一栋白色的大楼在超市和邮局之间。李明的家就在这栋楼的七楼。 5.李明的父母将在家里等她。 【思路点拨】 第一步:审题:人称_____     时态_____    第二步:列提纲。  一般现在时和一般将来时   第一、二人称   Dear Anna, I am very happy you can come.But I am very busy today. Can you come by yourself Let me tell you how to get to my house. I live in a noisy neighborhood. First, y ... ...

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