ID: 14446543

Unit 3 we should obey the rules. Lesson 16 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2025-03-14 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:58次 大小:9154287B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 人教精通版小学英语五年级下册 We should obey the rules. Lesson 16 As the saying goes,“as a country has its state laws, a family also needs family rules.” 俗话说,“国有国法家有家规。“每个家庭都有它的规定。 遇到认识的单词站起来大声读出来。 Play a game : stand up and speak quickly Let's review the words play computer games go to school study go to bed get up go home eat help watch TV Love our parents keep your room clean read in bed read in bed go home late Let's chant Go, go, go, go home Read, read, read, read in bed Do, do, do, do housework Keep, keep, keep, keep you room clean We should go to bed early.  (应该) (早点) We shouldn’t go to bed late. (不应该) (晚,迟) go to bed Pair work 用should 和shouldn’t说说 下面的事情该怎么做。 draw on the wall do homework do housework watch TV keep your room clean play computer games read in bed go home get up go to bed Group work 小组讨论制定家庭守则,包括应该做的事情和不许做的事情两方面的内容,选出一个人做记录并进行汇报。(要求使用We should ... We shouldn‘t ...作介绍) Home Rules You should:   1.   2.   3. You shouldn't:   1.   2.   3. My Family Rules Let’s talk Home rules *At my home, we should make our room clean. *We should do housework. *We shouldn't watch TV too often. *We shouldn’t read in bed. 同学们谈谈自己家都有哪些规则 We should obey the rules and have a good habit at home We shouldn't make our parents worry about us. Homework 1.制作自己的home rules争做爸妈眼里好孩子。 2.预习Lesson 17 Thank you See you again.

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