
牛津译林版高二上册模块6Unit 3 Understanding each other课件(打包5份)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:72次 大小:12968448Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网)        Cultural differences In dealing with presents Westerners consider it 1._____ not to open a present when given one. In the wedding traditions In Korea, they had a live hen and a rooster as a part of the wedding 2._____. In Brunei, men and women sit in 3._____ areas.Alcohol is not 4._____.They play loud drums even 5._____ the night. rude ceremony separate permitted throughout The differences between Brunei and other countries ★Use 6._____ to point. ★Take off shoes 7._____ going into someone's house. Some customs between Americans and Brits Bonfire Night is 8._____ in Britain while Americans are not 9._____ with it. Learning about cultural differences is a good way to 10._____ more about each other. thumb before celebrated familiar understand 谢 谢 观 看(课件网) 派 生 词 greeting →greet+-ing congratulation →congratulate去e+-ion adjustment →adjust+-ment congratulate 指以向他人祝贺为目的,希望他人幸福或走运。后跟人作宾语,常与介词on搭配使用,介词on后跟表示成功、成就、幸运、生日等词。 celebrate 通常指举行盛大隆重的仪式庆祝或纪念有意义的日子或某件事情,多暗示节日般的欢乐场面。后跟表示节日或某件事情的名词作宾语。 “课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪检测(一)” (单击进入电子文档) 谢 谢 观 看 t作形式主语,动名词短语作主语时的常用句式: no use/good/fun useless/funny It is/was doing sth. a waste of time worthwhile(课件网) 派 生 词 religious →religion去on+-ous slightly →slight+-ly “课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪检测(二)” (单击进入电子文档) 谢 谢 观 看(课件网) 条件从句 主句 did (be多用were,非正式文体中也可用was) would/should/could/might+动词原形 条件从句 主句 had done would/should/could/might+have done 条件从句 主句 did/should do/were to do would/should/could/might+动词原形 “课时跟踪检测”见“课时跟踪检测(三)” (单击进入电子文档) 谢 谢 观 看 一与现在事实相反 非真实(虚拟)条件 与过去事实相反 句中的虚拟语气 与将来事实相反 非真实(虚拟)条件 句的倒装(课件网) Ethnic groups In which country What to eat Where to live Specific events Inuit 1._____ meat and fish  tents have large 2._____ assemblies Aborigines 3._____ food from the 4._____; snakes have Aborigine ceremonies, play musical 5._____ and use boomerangs Canada Australia bush summer instruments Ethnic groups In which country What to eat Where to live Specific events Maoris New Zealand 6.____ and sweet potato wooden houses dance, eat food cooked in 7._____ stoves and go night fishing  Native Ameri can Indians  the USA 8._____ ro asted over an open fire  an Indian 9.____ wear clothes made from animal skin, take part in the Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow 10._____ fish meat tent underground competition 派 生 词 bravery →brave+-ry musical →music+-al government →govern+-ment “课时跟踪检测”见“课时 ... ...

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