
小学英语牛津译林版四年级下册 My school life I love ... in my school 写作课课件+简案+素材(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:10次 大小:96259301Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 四年级写作课I love ... in my school教学简案 Teaching Aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: talk about their favourite places in the school . write about the favourite places according to the pictures. know how to write correctly and clearly. Teaching Procedures: Step 1:Lead-in Play a game: Me too! Watch a video and answer the question: What’s the video about Present the writing topic and the task. Step 2:Pre-writing Discuss and say: What place do you love best in the school Why Read and find: What useful sentences can we use to introduce the favourite places Talk and share. Talk about the favourite places according to the pictures. Step 3:While-writing Understand the requirements of the writing checklist. Get to know the rules of writing. Write according to the pictures. Step 4:Post-writing Make a model by checking one of the students’ writing together. Read and check by themselves. Check and revise the writing in pairs. Show the writings. 4. Listen and chant: I love my school! 5. Enjoy more writings and encourage students to write. Step 5:Homework Revise your writing according to the checklist. Beautify the booklet and share it with others.(课件网) I love the... in my school 写作课 译林版 四年级下 Writing time 如果你跟老师说的情况一样, 快速站起来大声说Me too! Let's play! What's the video about 视频是关于什么内容呢? 同学们,今天有很多新老师来参观我们的学校,让我们做一份校园宣传画册,向他们介绍我们的学校吧! Let's make! What place do you love best Why Let's talk! Let's talk! 四人一组,说一说学校里你最喜欢的地方以及原因。 I love the... in my school. ... Let's find! 读一读,找出Cici喜欢的地方以及原因。 what why Let's share! 四人一组,借助以下句型,在小组内介绍自己的图画。 I love the... in my school. It is ... I ... 你可以用更丰富的句子来介绍哦! Writing checklist 1.准确介绍图片内容。 2.正确仿写句子,无语法错误。 3.格式规范。 Let's write! 总评标准:A(8 及以上 ); B(5-7 ); C(4 及以下) 总评(打√ ):A B C 写作时,要根据核查单的要求来完成哦! Let's summarize! 书写时我们应注意些什么呢? 书写小贴士: 1.句首字母要大写。 3.单词间距要适中。 4.标点符号要正确。 2.字母在四线三格中的位置正确。 Let's write! 对照你所画的图,完成写作。 It’s ... I ... ... I love the ... in my school. 你可以用更丰富的句子来写一写哦! ... Let's tick! 总评标准:A(8 及以上 ); B(5-7 ); C(4 及以下) 总评(打√ ):A B C 两人一组,根据写作检查表互相提出修改意见并打分。 Writing checklist 1.准确介绍图片内容。 2.正确仿写句子,无语法错误。 3.格式规范。 This is the classroom. I love to read and talk. This is the playground. I love to jump and run. This is STEM. I love to work and think. Love to learn. Love to play. I love my school I love my school ! 学习小贴士: 在今后的英语学习中,你也可以尝试将自己的想法先画下来,然后再写一写,这是一个训练写作的好方法哦! 1. Revise your writing according to the checklist. 根据核查清单修改文章。 Homework 2. Beautify the booklet and share it w ... ...

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