
牛津版八年级下Module 2 Arts and crafts Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips第1课时 课件(共20张PPT)

日期:2024-06-17 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:33次 大小:3519245Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips 第1课时-词汇篇 He gave me a warning not to go swimming in the deep area. 他警告我别去深处游泳。 1.warning n. 警告,警示 warn v.警告 warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)做某事 They warned the two sides not to continue the war. 他们警告双方,不要再继续打下去了。 warn sb. + that从句 I have warned him that it is not allowed. 我曾警告过他,这是不能容许的。 warn+ that从句 She warned that the winter would be very cold. 她曾提醒过,那个冬季将非常寒冷。 2. thought n. 心思 v.思考 (think的过去式和过去分词) The old man was lost in thought and did not hear us come in. 这个老人凝神沉思,没有听见我们进来。 in deep thought/deep in thought“陷入沉思” have (some) thoughts of doing/have a thought of doing“考虑做某事” think v. 思考 n. 思考,想 I think you are very brave. 我认为你非常勇敢。 I will have a think and let you know tomorrow. 我要好好想一想,明天告诉你。 think about 考虑… think of 想起… think over 仔细考虑 3. record v. 录制,录音 I recorded the score in a notebook. 我在笔记本上记下了分数。 The broadcast was recorded, not live. 这次广播是事先录音的,不是现场直播。 record n. 记录,唱片 As a result of this meeting, he made his first record. 由于这次会议,他制作了他的第一张唱片。 He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色,但未破纪录。 break a record 打破纪录 create a record 创造纪录 hold record 保持纪录keep a record 保持纪录 play a record 放唱片 This tiny flower gives forth a pleasant fragrance. 这种小花散发出一种令人愉快的香味。 He has a pleasant manner, and finds it easy to make friends. 他态度随和,因此很容易交到朋友。 4. pleasant adj. 友好的,和善的 5. appear v. 显得,似乎 She appeared very confident. 她显得很自信。 You appear unhappy. 你看起来好像不高兴。 appear常用搭配 1. appear to be + adj./n. 好像/显得/似乎... It appears to be a true story. 它好像是一个真实的故事。 2. appear to do sth. You appear to travel quite a lot. 你好像走过很多地方。 3. appear + that 从句 It appeared that he had a taste for music. 看来他对音乐还有一定的鉴赏力。 appear & seem 同:appear指“事情或事物看起来怎么样”,同seem相似。 异:seem既可以用来讨论客观事实,也可以用来描述主观的印象或感觉,而appear只能表达客观事实。 The baby seems/appears (to be) hungry.(两者都可用) She doesn't want to go on studying. It seems a pity.(只能用seem) 6. match v. 与...相配 n. 火柴;比赛;配偶;对手 Will you match me this cloth 你可以帮我搭配一下这块布料吗 His skills as a player don't quite match his passion for the game. 他的水平与他对这项游戏的酷爱程度不太相配。 The smoker tossed away the lighted match and so caused a fire. 那个抽烟的人随手扔掉火柴棒,引起了一场火灾。 A high standard of play marked the match between the two teams. 这两个队的比赛表现了很高的技术水平。 常见搭配 match A against B 使甲和乙相匹敌 match in 在…上比较 match with 和…相配 7. separately adv. 单独地;分别地 He said he would see each of us separately. 他说他将分别约见我们每一个人。 Living separately ... ...

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