
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Living with Technology Integrated skills 课件(26张PPT)

日期:2024-06-23 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:68次 大小:739183Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Living with technology Integrated skills Warming up Free talk Warming up 1. Have you heard of a time capsule 2. What can a time capsule be used to do Listen to Professor Chen’s talk on a radio programme about time capsules, listen and finish the exercises below. (P50) Listening Listening (1) In a “letter to the future”, the writer might describe his/her hopes and worries for the future. (T/F) _____ (2)The time capsule associated with Steve Jobs was 15 feet long. (T/F) _____ F (worries→ wishes) F (15 → 13) Listening (3) The 1983 time capsule was intended to be buried for 30 years. (T/F) _____ (4) The maker of the 2008 time capsule was worried that the Earth might suffer a terrible disaster. (T/F) _____ F (30 → 17) T Listening what life was like the mouse the International Space Station 2013 DNA Reading Anna is reading an introduction to the time capsule at the 1939 World’s Fair. Read the introduction and answer the following questions. Reading 1. What is the text mainly about An introduction to the time capsule at the 1939 World’s fair. Reading 2. Which object is not mentioned to be put into the capsule A. A pen. B. A toothpaste. C. A baseball. D. Various seeds. Reading 3. What is Einstein’s message to future generations about It was about the technological progress and Einstein’s predictions. Reading 4. What were the purpose and contents of the 1939 time capsule Purpose: to show what life was like in America at the time the capsule was created. Contents: a wide variety of objects, like a tooth brush, a fountain pen, microfilm rolls and a message written by Albert Einstein. Reading 5. Why do you think Einstein wrote the message with mixed feelings Pride: Worry: America had achieved many great things unimaginable to people in the past. Serious social problems were developing in his time. Writing Tips to write a letter to the people in 2050 Writing strategies How to write What to write Making the outline Finishing the letter your child a friend a family member your future self “Dear Future” “Dear 2050” Address: First, write about what life is like in your time. artificial intelligence, cloud computing, 5G, virtual reality, high-speed rail, 3-D films, etc. education plastic What to write Second, conclude your letter with opinions, wishes and advice Opinions are seen as the soul of an article Advice is considered to be the destination of an article What to write To draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages, you should educate yourselves. Firstly, it is a good idea to give specific statements rather than general ones Plastic hurts sea animals I’m shocked at a video of a sea turtle with its nose stuck by a plastic bag How to write Plastic pollutes the worldwide environment Plastic accumulating in our oceans and on our beaches has become a global crisis. Billions of pounds of plastic can be found on about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces. I’m afraid that ... ...

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