
牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Out of This World Welcome & Reading(含语言点)课(57张PPT含视频)

日期:2024-06-25 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:45次 大小:89897800Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U1 Wish you were here Lead-in Saint Augustine The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. Do you like travelling Why? admire splendid landscapes refresh our body and soul taste local food meet different people experience diverse cultures broaden our horizons There are many popular tourist destinations around the world. Look at the postcards below. China USA UK Australia Lijiang River Big Ben Empire State Building Uluru(Ayers Rock) How would you describe each of the four postcards above We're all familiar with the travel slogan:(桂林山水甲天下) _____ In the postcard, the karst mountains are picturesque and the river is so ____(平静的) that it _____ (映照) the sky and mountains clearly. The sun ____ (投射) its beautiful light across the sky, adding a warm _____ (光辉) to the _____ (静谧祥和的) scenery. There is also a man on a bamboo raft. East or west, Guilin landscape is best! still reflects casts glow peaceful Empire State Building, a 102-story skyscraper, is one of the landmark buildings in New York, USA. The postcard shows a _____ (动人心魄的) view of this famous building against the backdrop of Manhattan. The sun is setting and the building is _____ (点亮), which emphasizes its distinct shape and makes it _____ (醒目). breathtaking lit up stand out Big Ben, famous for its _____ (巨大的) bell and _____ (准确度), is among London's most iconic landmarks and must-see London attractions. In the postcard, you can notice the Victorian style of _____ (建筑) that can be found almost throughout London. architecture accuracy massive Ayers Rock, one of Australia’s best-known tourist destinations, _____ (位于) central Australia. It is 3.6 km _____ (长度为), and 348 m in height. The rock is so _____(奇特的) that nobody knows where it came from, even the scientists have no idea about its _____(起源). Some people say it came from the outer space as a meteor, and some people say it is from undersea. It is still a _____(谜) on earth. in length unique origin mystery is located in Sharing: What tourist destinations have you ever visited or would you like to visit What's special about them The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes. —Marcel Proust 真正的发现之旅并不在于寻找 新的风景,而在于获得新的视野。 ———马赛尔·普鲁斯特 Guessing: It is a broad country stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.. One of its national symbols is the maple tree. Canada, with vast distances and outstanding natural beauty, has much to offer tourists. (P2-3) scenery cuisine belief population geography climate architecture language race culture Predicting: What aspects will be talked about in the passage according to the title Skim the article and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Introduction Para. 1: Canada is like a blooming flower, unfolding with _____ and _____. Conclusion Main Body Para. 4: There is great _____ diversity. ... ...

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