
Lesson Five 国际音标基础课课件(共59张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:53次 大小:22061542Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 国际音标基础课 Lesson Five Contents 目 录 02 元音学习5 01 03 辅音学习5 课堂小结 认识音标-音标分类 元音学习 here [ ] 由[ ]向[ ]滑动,中间不停顿, [ ]读得较清楚响亮, [ ]读得较模糊短促。 但[ ]不要拖长。双唇自然由扁到略开,舌位逐渐降低。 there [e ] 由[e]向[ ]滑动,中间不停顿, [e]读得较清楚响亮, [ ]读得较模糊短促。 舌位逐渐降低。 sure [ ] 由[ ]向[ ]滑动,中间不停顿, [ ]读得较清楚响亮, [ ]读得较模糊短促。 双唇由圆到不圆,口型逐渐变大。舌位由高到低。 hair [e ] beer [ ] deer [ ] poor [ ] chair [e ] ear [ ] bear [e ] pair [e ] [dI ] [p ] [ ] [bI ] [pe ] [fI ] [re ] [gle ] [t ] nose [ ] 由[ ]向[ ]滑动,中间不停顿, [ ]读得清楚响亮, [ ]读得较模糊短促。唇形由大开变得近乎合闭,舌位逐渐抬高。 cow [a ] 由[a]向[ ]滑动, [a]读得较清楚响亮, [ ]读得较模糊短促。双唇尽可能大开再收成圆形,舌位逐渐抬高。 house [a ] cow [a ] rose [ ] coat [ ] road [ ] flower [a ] nose [ ] 辅音学习 thing 舌尖轻轻放在两齿之间,气流从舌齿间的缝隙通过,摩擦成音。声带不振动,清辅音。 [θ] this 发音类似[θ],浊辅音,声带振动,送气不如[θ]。 [ ] weather [ ] these [ ] thick [θ] teeth [θ] thin [θ] Math [θ] father [ ] thanks [θ] Super Challenge 1.Something is better than nothing. 2.Father and mother went through thick and thin together. [∫] 嘴巴呈喇叭状,双唇翘起向前突出,舌尖靠近上齿龈后部,上下齿微闭。声带不振动。 share [ ] 发音与[∫]类似,但声带振动,送气弱些。 pleasure treasure [ ] wish [∫] usually [ ] sheep [∫] shelf [∫] brush [∫] shirt [∫] fish [∫] television [ ] fish dish ship show garage confusion decision television wish vision pleasure sharp 【 】 【 】 confusion decision fish dish wish sharp ship television pleasure vision garage show 【 】 【 】 [θ] [∫] [ ] [ ] [∫] [ ] [∫] [ ] [ ] [ ] [∫] [θ ] [m ] [∫e k] [ z] [θ nz] [ple ] [ ft] [ ] [v z bl] 课堂小结 1.学习元音[ ][e ][ ][ ][a ] 2.学习辅音[θ][ ][∫][ ] 3.简单拼读

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