
Unit 4 Going to the Fun Park课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:69次 大小:8168465Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Going to the Fun Park XX幼儿园 (3课时) Ⅰ.Let the words go home. [ ] [ ] thank then thing those think that teeth father three these third this theater them mother brother Finish the tasks Task 1--We can write! 7.careful(比较级) _____(最高级)_____ 8.turn left (反义词组) _____ 1.l__ __ __ts, 2.s__ __ __ __ t , 3.r__ __ __ t , 4.p __ __k , 5.c r__ __ __, 6.bl__ __ __ -- P43 Task 2--We can find! Sing along “Where is the library ”.(P43) Task 3--We can sing! 备选词: A: What should we do We should be more careful. We should wait. We should cross the street. B: Task 4.--We can say! I \ We should _____. … Say more about “should” Say more about “shouldn’t” She\He \They shouldn’t _____. Safety is very importantfor us. We shouldn’t do like that! … Q1:Who takes the kids to the amusement park Q2:How do they get there Q3:The light is green , what should they do Q4:Can they take their bikes inside Q5:Where should they buy tickets Q6:How many tickets do they buy Task 5--Talk and draw the mind map. get to go down this street , turn left. on your right be more careful cross the street park our bikes buy tickets Thanks

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