
北师大版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 6 The Admirable Topic Talk Listening and Speaking 课件 (共37张PPT)

日期:2024-06-21 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:35次 大小:12866048Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Topic Talk Listening and Speaking studied, trained and worked hard to go into space physically and mentally strong; brave The Admirable cure diseases save lives make important discoveries intelligent and hardworking fight for justice determined and passionate have good grades capable is busy working but never complains kind and responsible Names Things they do Qualities they have People I Admire … cure diseases save lives make important discoveries fight for justice have good grades physically and mentally strong brave intelligent hardworking determined passionate capable kind responsible Qualities Things They Do firefighter put out fires and save people’s lives; spend lots of time helping people who are in danger put out fires and spend lots of time helping people who are in danger brave Career Things They do Qualities Who Career Things They do Qualities Who doctor cure diseases and save people’s lives. They make the world a better place brave and generous scientist make important discoveries, and make remarkable contribution to mankind intelligent, creative and hardworking police officer protect people and help people in danger. brave and responsible They make the world a better place writer think critically and work towards social reform sensible and creative Iris being brave; working hard and creatively to make people’s lives better; fighting against your own weaknesses strengths At the age of five, due to a very serious illness, she lost feeling and movement in her body. With courage and determination, she fought the illness, studied by herself and managed to complete the primary school and middle school courses. She also studied several foreign languages independently. Her published works include Dream of a Wheelchair, Pursuing the Meaning of Life, etc. confidence honesty forgiveness integrity courage determination Sherry Kevin

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