
Unit1 My school B let’s spell 教案 课件 达标练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:26次 大小:1152444Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【课堂达标】 1.听录音,选择你所听到的句子。 ( ) 1. A. The teacher’s office is on the second floor. B. The art room is on the second floor. ( ) 2. A. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. B. The bedroom is next to the kitchen. ( ) 3. A. There are forty-five students in our class. B. There are twenty-five students in our class. ( ) 4. A. Do you have a computer room? B. Do you have a big playground? 2. 读一读,判断下列单词是(T)否(F)属于同一类。 ( ) 1. music math art ( ) 2. second four six ( ) 3. brother sister dinner ( ) 4. library gym computer room ( ) 5. garden playground first 3. 情景选择。 ( ) 1. 给客人指路,你可以对客人说:_____ A. Excuse me. B. This way, please. ( ) 2. 你想问:老师的办公室在哪里?你要说:_____ A. Where is the teachers’ office? B. What is it? ( ) 3. 把作业交给老师时,你要说:_____ A. Here is my homework. B. I’m fuul. ( ) 4. 有外宾来你们学校参观,你应说:_____ A. Welcome to our school. B. Thank you. ( ) 5. 告诉别人图书馆与老师的办公室相邻,应说:_____ A. The library is on the second floor. B. The library is next to the teachers’ office. PEP Book 4 Unit 1My schoolPart(B) Let’s spell/story time 教学目标与要求 1. 复习三会单词和词组library, teachers’ office, first floor, second floor, computer room, art room, music room, playground和句子Where’s the library? It’s on the first floor. Is this the teachers’ office? No. it isn’t. The teachers’ office is next to the library. Do you have a library? Yes, we do.等。21世纪教育网版权所有 2. 能借助于图片读懂Story time中的故事。21世纪教育网版权所有 重点 复习本单元的单词和句子。 难点 读懂Story time 中的故事 教具 课件,单词卡,Story time的视频文件。 教学环节 师生活动 Preparation准备活动21世纪教育网版权所有 (一) 热身(Warm up)21世纪教育网版权所有 Sing the song “Our school” 学生边听录音边跟录音唱。 (二) 复习(Revision)21世纪教育网版权所有 1. 复习单词:全班同学先抽读单词卡:library, teachers’ office, first floor, second floor,computer room, art room, music room, playground。然后让学生看图片说单词。21世纪教育网版权所有 2. 出示学校的立体图片,利用它向学生提问题,如: Do we have a library? Where is the teachers’ office? Is the teachers’ office next to the library? 21世纪教育网版权所有 Is this the playground? Is that the garden? 21世纪教育网版权所有 How many classes are there in our school? … 让学生回答这些问题。示例以后,让学生两人一组进行对话。以复习本单元所学的重点句子。 教学环节 师生活动 Presentation新知呈现 教学C. Story time 1. 教师指着插图,先做背景介绍: T: Zoom and Zip are at school. The school is very beautiful. But we can’t find Zoom now. Where is Zoom? Let’s see. 2. 看图猜故事的内容。21世纪教育网版权所有 3. 播放视频,了解故事内容。 教师播放故事的视频,让学生通过观察视频理解故事内容,最后让学生模仿故事中人物的语音、语调学说下面的句子:21世纪教育网版权所有 How beautiful! Is that the lunch room? It’s time for lunch time. I’m full! 4. 再次播放视频,边播放边按暂停键,让学生边听边跟读。 5. 让学生自读故事,尽量模仿角色的语音、语调。21世纪教育网版权所有 6. 鼓励学生分角色 ... ...

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