
北师大版(2019) 必修第二册 Unit 6 The Admirable Lesson 1 A Medical Pioneer课件(共46张PPT)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:3254146Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 6 Unit 6 THE ADMIRABLE LESSON 1 A MEDICAL PIONNER To read and talk about Tu Youyou, a medical pioneer To read for general understanding To read for specific information and write a summary of the text To learn about and practise relative clauses 屠呦呦 中国中医科学院首席研究员屠呦呦,中国首个诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主,用创新性的研究为世界带来了迄今最重要的 抗疟疾药———青蒿素。 受益于此,数百万疟疾 患者重获生机。 屠呦呦高中毕业后考取北京大学医学院药学系;大学毕业后,专精现代生药学的她被分配到中医研究院中药研究所;工作不久,她自愿脱产学习中医药,走进祖国传统医药“宝库”; 1969年,39岁的屠呦呦受命从中药中寻找治疗疟疾的突破……正是源于对中医药的积淀认知,屠呦呦成功从1600多年前的中医药典籍中获得灵感,有效提取出抗疟利器青蒿素。 为尽快研发出药物,她意志坚定,克服艰苦条件,即使不断失败也从不放弃;为保证病人用药安全,她带头试药;为获取第一手资料,她冒着酷暑奔走在海南疟区;为了研究稳步持续推进,她牺牲个人和家庭生活,把孩子托人照顾,独自咽下为人母的思念和愧疚……而当任务完成、艰难时刻过去,她又在其后漫长的岁月里选择继续低头耕耘,直到诺奖将她推至闪光灯前。 面对如今接踵而至的表彰,屠呦呦将成就归功于参与研究的科学家集体。 “青蒿素的抗药性,治疗红斑狼疮等还要继续研究。”屠呦呦以不变的淡定、执着,诠释着科学家“心中有国家、造福无国界”的大爱情怀,在青蒿素后续研究之路上奋力前行。 What is a pioneer A pioneer is similar to a hero but is different because they achieve or discover something no other person has before. e.g. Christopher Columbus, Neil Armstrong, Alexander Fleming. Christopher Columbus discovered a new continent; Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the Moon; Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, which is used in antibiotics What these pioneers are remembered for? Look at the video. What do you know about Tu Youyou What do you know about malaria Read the fact about it. Tick (√) the ones you find most striking or interesting. FACTS ABOUT MALARIA ( ) Malaria is a mosquito-borne and infectious disease. ( ) The word “malaria” comes from the Latin word for “bad air”. malaria n. 疟疾 infectious adj. 传染的 vomit v. 呕吐 AIDS n. 艾滋病 artemisinin n. 青蒿素 vaccine n. 疫苗 ( ) People suffer from high fever, serious vomiting and terrible headaches when they have the disease. ( ) Malaria kills over 1,000,000 people a year – more people than any disease apart from AIDS. malaria n. 疟疾 infectious adj. 传染的 vomit v. 呕吐 AIDS n. 艾滋病 artemisinin n. 青蒿素 vaccine n. 疫苗 ( ) The drug with artemisinin has proved to be the most effective cure. ( ) There is currently no effective vaccine against malaria. malaria n. 疟疾 infectious adj. 传染的 vomit v. 呕吐 AIDS n. 艾滋病 artemisinin n. 青蒿素 vaccine n. 疫苗 Share with a partner what you know about Tu Youyou. Use the phrases below to help you. a medical researcher a Nobel Prize winner a female scientist to find a cure for malaria to discover a life-saving drug called artemisinin What do you expect to read in a news article ... ...

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