
Lesson 39 The Dove and the Olive Branch 课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-06-03 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:47次 大小:3183054Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) lock [l k] interaction [ nt r k n] upset [ p set] argument [ ɑ ɡj m nt] asleep [ sli p] lower [ l ] volume [ v lju m] option [ p n] mutual [ mju t l] distant [ d st nt] snake [sne k] v.(用锁)锁上;被锁上 n.锁 n.一起活动;合作 v. 使(某人)苦恼心烦 n. 争论;争辩;争吵 adj.睡着的 v.使(某事物) 减少 n.音量;响度 n.选择 adj.相互的 adj.遥远的 n.蛇 New words low-lower-lowest adj. 低的 lower the volume 降低音量 snack Cn. 零食,小吃 P166 1. lock v.(用锁)锁上;被锁上 At night, we lock the door to keep safe. n.锁 The lock is broken. Please lock the door with the lock. 2. upset v. 使(某人)苦恼心烦 Don’t upset yourself, Tom. adj. 沮丧的,苦恼的 (=sad) After his wife died, she felt very upset. 3. argument [C]n. 争论;争辩;争吵 Let’s discuss how to solve the argument between Tom and Jack. argue v. 争论,争吵 argue with sb. 与某人争吵 key n. 钥匙 the key to the lock upset; upset an argument 4. asleep adj.睡着的 He turned over in bed and fell asleep again. sleepy adj. 困乏的,瞌睡的 feel sleepy 感到困倦 sleep v. 睡觉 (slept-slept) Don’t make so much noise; the baby is sleeping. n. 睡觉,睡眠 Go to sleep if you feel sleepy. 5. option [C]n. 选择 Going to college is the only option/choice for me. I have no choice but to study hard. fall asleep 入睡 an option 6. mutual adj.相互的 I don’t like her, and I think the feeling is mutual. =I don’t like her, and I think she doesn’t like me, either. 7. distant adj. 遥远的 She is a distant cousin of mine. Good neighbours are better than distant relatives. 【扩展】important-importance confident-confidence different-difference silent-silence mutual respect and understanding distance n. 距离 distantly adv. 遥远地 Lesson 39 Having Good Relationships in Your Community relationship n. 关系 friendship n. 友谊 community n. 社区 Lead in Which do you prefer We prefer to have a good relationship in our community. THINK ABOUT IT ·What should you do to get along with the people around you ·How should you communicate with people who are doing things you don’t like or understand get along / on (well) with 与...相处(得好) communicate with sb. 与...交流 = have a communication with sb. be kind/friendly to them help those in need smile and say hello to ... Would you argue about it or discuss the matter in a friendly way Para. 1 Q1: Why should you try to develop good relationships with the people around you To work towards a peaceful life. Q2: What should we do Be kind and help those in need. Translate: Do this not only for family and friends, but also for people who live in your neighbourhood. 不仅对亲朋好友如此(友好并帮助他们),对邻居们也是如此。 develop good relationships with sb. 和某人建立良好的关系 朝;向 peace n. 和平;宁静 peaceful adj. 和平的;宁静的 peacefully adv. 和平地;宁静地 not only...but (also)... 不仅...而且... He is famous not only in China but (also) in the whole world. Not only I but also my brother likes watching sports programs. (就近原则) Para. 2 Q3: What ... ...

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