
Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws 课件(共16张PPT)

日期:2024-06-04 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:85次 大小:2127629Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) New words chalk [t k] n. 粉笔 tradition [tr d n] n. 传统 reaction [r k n] n. 反应 react [r kt] v. 反应 officer [ f s ] n. 政府官员 gun [ɡ n] n. 枪 doll [d l] n. 洋娃娃;玩偶 不可数 n. a box / piece of chalk traditional adj. +s office n. official adj. police officer police office +s +s Unit 8 Culture Shapes Us Lesson 48 Supper with the Bradshaws Think About It When your family visits another, what do you usually take as a gift we often give fruit, cigarettes, wine, tea, flowers , snacks and so on as gifts. We can’t give others a clock, candles as gifts. Warning Sign What can’t we give to others as gifts Your birthday is coming, what gifts would you like to get How do you react when you receive a gift you don’t like Think About It 1. Should you praise it 2. Should you accept or refuse it 3. Should you say you don’t like it Usually, I say thank you politely. I don’t say I don’t like it on the spot. How are you these days Are you ready for Christmas My Australian pen pal, Bruce, and his father, came to visit me the day before yesterday. Last night, my parents invited them to our home for dinner. At the end of the meal, Mr. Bradshaw opened a box of cookies he had brought from home. He then passed the box to everyone. We each took a cookies and ate it. The cookie tasted like chalk to me! But in good Chinese tradition, I told Mr. bradshaw that I enjoyed it. At the airport today, Mr. Bradshaw gave me a big box of the same cookies as a gift. I don’t know what we’ll do with them. be ready for ... be ready to do sth. ... Read the first e-mail and answer the questions. ①When did Bruce and his father visit Li Ming ②Did Li Ming like the cookies Why or why not ③ Where is Bruce from The day before yesterday.  No, he didn’t. They tasted like chalk. He is from Australia. invite sb. to sp. invite sb. to do ... invitation n. “在... 的末尾”,既可指时间。也可指空间 按照中国的好传统 What .....do with.... =How .....deal with... 处理,对待,利用 deal with 1.We each took a cookie and ate it. each 在本句中作we的同位语, 此时谓语动词要与we保持一致。 【拓展】  (1) each 单独作主语, 谓语动词用单数形式。 eg: Each lives in a big house. (2) each of 短语作主语,谓语动词通常用单数 eg: Each of us knows the secret. 2.The cookie tasted like chalk to me! taste like 意为“尝起来像”。 look like 看起来像 smell like 闻起来像 sound like 听起来像 feel like 摸起来像; 想要+doing Read the second e-mail and answer the questions. ①Why does Danny love Chinese culture ②Why did Danny buy a toy gun for Debbie Because Debbie hopes to become a police officer and wanted a toy gun for Christmas.  ③Did Debbie hurt Danny’s feelings when she said she wanted a doll Because he thinks it’s polite and nice. Yes, she did. I am so busy with Christmas these days. I couldn’t help but laugh when I read your e-mail. I can imagine your reaction when you received the cookies. Maybe you can send them to me. I love all kinds of cook ... ...

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