
人教版(新课程标准)必修第三册 Unit 3The Million Pound Bank NoteSection ⅡLearning about Language (原卷版+解析版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:71次 大小:1008128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅱ Learning about Language & Using Language (一)基础词汇全面练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Mind your table _____ (礼仪) at the dinner party. 2.Sometimes I want to _____ (尖叫) out loud. 3.A friend in need is a friend _____ (真正地). 4.When two Japanese meet, they often _____ (鞠躬) to each other. 5._____ (餐后甜点) is usually served last in the dinner. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.I can't imagine the boy speaking so _____ (rude) to you. 2.We shouldn't judge a person just by his _____ (appear). His quality is more important. 3.The news was so _____ (believe) that he stood there speechless for a long time. 4.Look at the man who is _____ rags. Judging from that, he must be a beggar. 5.It was rude _____ you to stare at the foreigner when he passed by just now. Ⅲ.补全句子 1.The waiter _____. 服务员请我们点了菜。 2._____ to your father just now. 你刚才对你父亲讲那种话太不礼貌了。 3.Two students met _____ at the beginning of term. 开学之初,两个学生首次相遇。 4.Since we argued, he hasn't spoken to me even though we sit _____ in class. 自从我们争吵后,尽管我们在课堂上挨着坐,他也不和我说话。 5.I don't mind. _____. 我不在乎。其实,我很乐意帮你。 (二)重点单词多维练 1.amount (单句语法填空) (1)A large amount of money _____ (be) spent on advertisements every year. (2)Large amounts of money _____ (receive) so far. (3)The cost of the book amounted to £250. 2.manner (单句语法填空/补全句子) (1)He spoke _____ such a manner as to hurt their feelings. (2)It's bad _____ (manner) to break in while others are speaking. (3)You'd better pay attention to _____(餐桌礼仪). (三)易混短语比较练 1.take a chance冒险 (1)have a chance of doing/to do sth.  有机会做某事 by chance=by accident 偶然;碰巧 (2)Chances/The chances are that ... 有可能…… There is a chance that ... 可能…… 单句语法填空/补全句子 (1)The player is under good treatment and the chances are _____ he will recover from his injury in time for the next game. (2)I consider it a golden chance _____ (tour) around China to enjoy the wonderful scenery and taste the inviting food here and there. (3)By chance, he found the place where his brother had hidden the treasure. (4)The rope might break but _____. 绳子可能会断,但我们只能冒这个险了。 2.as for (=as to)关于;至于 as usual        像往常一样 as long as 只要 补全句子 (1)_____,_I think the driver of the lorry should be to blame. 至于这起交通事故的原因,我认为卡车司机应该负主要责任。 (2)You can go out and play, _____ you behave yourself well. 只要你好好表现,你就可以出去玩。 (3)I hope that the students will arrive on time but the chances are that they will be late _____. 我希望学生们能够按时赶到,但很有可能他们会像往常一样迟到。 (四)经典句式仿写练 1.(教材原句)Well, it is well known that Americans like to eat a lot. 嗯,美国人喜欢吃得多,这是大家都知道的。 [仿写1] 良好习惯是成功的开始,这是大家都知道的。 _____a good habit is the beginning of success. It is well known that ...“众所周知……”,是常用句型。it是形式主语,指代that引导的主语从句。该句型可以 ... ...

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