
外研版必修一Module3 My First Ride on a Train reading课件 2 - 1(2)Period2_ Reading & Vocabulary 共16张PPT

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:1550745Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 党日活动总结汇报 党支部创新活动感想 党日活动总结党支部创新活动感想 在XX年的4月份,本党支部正式开展了题为“迎亚运、学雷锋、凝党心———工程08第六党支部失物招领我帮您”的党支部创新活动。借着XX亚运即将在我们所热爱的这个城市――广州隆重举行的契机,为迎接亚运的到来,更为加强党支部的凝聚力,我们积极响应创新党支部活动形式的要求,本着更好地为同学服务的宗旨,特举办这个创新活动。我们认为这不仅是解决了部分同学失物难找的问题,而且更是活跃党组织生活,塑造工程学院学生党员的新形象。本次活动的策划小组主由我与齐东、少雄三人组成,而党支部书记德慧担任小组组长。 到目前,活动已经有序开展了将近3个星期,想起当初不断讨论,不断探索,甚至乎一度想中断这个活动的时候,心里真不是一般的滋味。还记得在一开始时,大家刚刚把活动的主题商量好,正准备进一步写出完整的策划书,而当我提笔要写时,我却犯难了,活动到底怎么搞 大搞还是小搞 本来觉得能以党委名义为同学们开展失物招领活动是个真的不错的想法,但是,往后再考虑,我们又觉得,这个活动是不是太大了,太难开展了,凭着我们支部的10个人能否做好 想到这里,我不由得放下了 My First Ride on a Train Ghan The Period2: Reading & Vocabulary by air by sea If you decided to travel to Australia, how would you go there Let’s come to the passage My First Ride on a Train Skimming To get general ideas What’s the passage about A. a train ride to Sydney B. taking the train to Australia C. traveling to the central part of Australia D. a child visiting her grandmother Scanning To get detailed information who when where How What Alice and a friend recently from Sydney to Alice Springs paragraph 1 by train travel The first few hundred kilometres: After that: Suddenly: paragraph 2-3 Day: Night: scenery / colorful fields soil / dark red desert sun / shone no wind / no clouds abandoned farms sat and looked out of the window talked to other passengers read books listened to the Chinese cassettes watched the night sky the stars shone like diamonds The feeling of the journey: What a ride! the train / wonderful food / great the train / comfortable people / nice look like a place from another time star / like diamonds Read the passage 4-6 , judge T or F and correct the errors: 1.Recently, Australians needed a way to travel to the middle of the country. ( ) 2.When they tried riding horses, the horses liked the hot weather and sand.( ) 3.A hundred and fifty years ago, they brought some camels from Afghanistan.( ) 4.Camels were much worse than horses for travelling a long distance.( ) 5. Until the 1920s, they didn’t need the camels any more because the government built a new railway line.( ) 6.In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to protect the animals .( ) F T F F T F _____ _____ _____ _____ Post Reading(retell the story) Recently I had my first ride on a _____ train with my friends, We ____ two days on the train. _____ a ride! The train was_____. We _____ in Sydney ,and_____ in Alice Springs, right _____ Australia, more than four thousand kilometers ____. We ate great meals _____ . The scenery was first_____, and then we s ... ...

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