
Module2 Unit1 She learnt English. 课件 (共31张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:58次 大小:14790784Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Module 2 Unit1 She learnt English New words. I learnt to dance. learnt 学习 learn taught teach 讲;教授 Ms Li taught English. foreign 外国的 foreign language language 语言 He taught languages. wrote write 写 He learnt to write. dancer 舞蹈演员 dance 跳舞 She is a dancer. This is my _____. He/ She was a _____. Did he/ she learn English He/She is ... now. Words game. 冲击大礼品 点击每个礼物,读出相应单词,这些礼物就属于你啦! driver wrote dancer language foreign learnt taught 1-Look at the pictures and answer. What did she do What did she do She ... . learnt to dance learnt to cook wrote a book taught languages She learnt to dance. She learnt to cook. She taught languages and wrote a book. 1-Listen and chant. 1-learn to 后+动词原形 2-language 是可数名词 1-Listen read and act out. 1-Who are they 2-What are they talking about 1-Listen and answer. 1-Who are they 2-What are they talking about They are Lingling’s grandparents. They are talking about Lingling’s grandparents’ life. 1-What was grandma’s job 2-What was grandpa’s job 3-Where did grandma dance 4-What is grandpa doing now She was a dancer. He was a driver. In China. He is learning English now. Sam: Who are they, Lingling Lingling: They’re my grandparents. 1-Who 谁,回答有人名/身份。 听力常考 Sam: Who’s this Lingling: It’s my grandma. She was a dancer. She danced in lots of Chinese cities. 1-Who is this/that 回答是:It's+人名。 2-in +地点/国家。 3-lots of=a lot of 许多 后+不可数名词/可数名词复数 4-注意: Chinese city不是China city Amy: Did she learn any foreign languages Lingling: Yes, she learnt English. 1-Did 后+动词原形。 2-以Did开始的一般疑问句,回答: Yes,.. did. No, .. didn’t. 3-any 一些,用于否定句和一般疑问句中。 4-学科,语言,国家等首字母要大写。 Amy: Is this your grandpa Lingling: Yes, it is. He was a driver. 1-以Is this/that开始的一般疑问句,回答: Yes,it is. No, it isn’t. 2-driver 司机,drive驾驶 Amy: Did he learn English too Lingling: No, he didn’t. But he’s learning English now! 1-be动词后+动词ing形式 2-am跟I; is跟He/She/It;are跟We,They,You. 2-Retell the story. They’re my grandparents grandma grandpa dancer driver Did she/he learn English Yes, she did. No,he didn’t. 2-Fill in the blanks. They’re Lingling’s _____. Her grandma ____ a _____. She _____ in lots of Chinese cities. And she _____ English. Her grandpa was a _____. He _____ learn English. But he’s _____ English now. grandparents was dancer danced learnt driver didn’t learning 3-Listen and say. Amy: Did your grandma learn any foreign languages Lingling: Yes, she learnt English. .... A B C D E F G H I J... He’s learning English now. Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to Beijing! He’s learning English now. Welcome to Beijing! Welcome to Beijing! 4-Practise. Look, ask and answer. Then write. She didn’t make a cake yesterday. × A: Did she make a cake yesterday B: No, she didn’t. √ A: Did he watch TV yesterday B: Yes, he did. He watched TV y ... ...

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