
Module 1 Unit 3 My face课件(共14张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:31次 大小:2379070Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 3 Module 1 Getting to know you Period 2 3 eye nose mouth ear face a a a an an Look and say Point and say my eye my nose my ear my mouth my face your _____ Listen and do :Touch your _____. :This is my _____. Let's learn Look! This is my face. Look! This is my mouth. :Look! This is my . :This is your . This is your nose/... Play a game Look!This is your . Draw and say A: Hi, _____! It’s you! Look! This is your_____. B: Yes. It’s me. big small mouth mouth Big mouth, small mouth, One and two. Big mouth, small mouth, I can see. Let's talk Let's talk big eyes small eyes big_____ small_____ Big____and small_____. Same or not Look at my face! Big ears and long nose. Look at my face! Small nose and long ears. Look at my face! Big ____ and small _____. Same or not Talk with your friend Hi! _____. This is your eye. It’s big. This is your _____. It’s small. This is ... Homework 1. and pages 12-13. 2. Draw a picture for or . Then talk about it to them.

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