
Module 2 Unit4 I can sing 课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:57次 大小:7829891Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) I can sing 4 Period 1 Module 2 My family, my friends and me Super Show才艺表演 In the song,I can see... Draw, draw. I can draw. I can draw. draw a flower I can draw a house Let's try , . I can draw. I can draw a . I can draw a I can draw a . I can draw a … Sing, sing. I can sing. I can sing a song . Dance, dance. I can dance. What can you do I can read. Read, read. I can read. Finish the tasks . Task1:Look and say Task2:Let's read Task3:Let's talk and show sing dance read draw dance sing read draw draw dance read Task1:Look and say Finish the tasks . Task1:Look and say Task2:Let's read Task3:Let's talk and show Task2:Let's read I can … Task2:Let's read I can … I can draw. I can dance. I can sing. I can read. Task2:Let's read I can … I can draw. I can sing. Task2:Let's read I can … I can dance. Task2:Let's read I can … I can read. Finish the tasks . Task1:Look and say Task2:Let's read Task3:Let's talk and show Task3:Let's talk and show What can you do I can ... Finish the tasks . Task1:Look and say Task2:Let's read Task3:Let's talk and show What can you do Learn more I can read. Summary I can dance What can you do read sing draw ...... More words I can write swim skate skip jump run ...... Who can be Super Star I can be Super Star. 选出今日才艺之星 I can What can you do ...... Ask and answer Homework Listen and read Page 16. Share the song with your parents. Introduce yourself to your friends.

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