
Module 2 Unit4 I can sing 课件(共30张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:49次 大小:8888194Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 4 I can sing Module 2 My family, my friends and me Period 2 第二课时 Hello, I’m Donald Duck. I’m superstar. I can do many things.Do you want to be superstar More words I can write swim skate skip jump run ...... sing dance read draw dance sing read draw draw dance read Look and say Sing , sing , I can sing . Dance, dance, I can dance. Read , read , I can read . Draw , draw , I can draw . Let's chant run , run , I can run . jump, jump, I can d jump. fly , fly , I can fly . write, write , I can write . Let's chant About you Hello./Hi. I’m ... I can ... What can you do I can draw. I can draw a flower. What can you do I can sing.. I can sing a song. What can you do I can read and dance. What, what, what can you do Sing, sing, I can sing. What, what, what can you do Dance, dance, I can dance. What, what, what can you do Read, read, I can read. What, what, what can you do Draw, draw, I can draw. Let's chant What, what, what can you do ____, ___, I can ___. What, what, what can you do ___, ___, I can ___. Make a chant What can you do I can … Hello ! I can ... What can you do Hi ! What can you do Pair work I can ... Tick the correct sentences √出正确的句子 a. I can dance. b. I can sing. √ What can you do a. I can sing. b. I can dance. √ a. I can read. b. I can draw. √ What can you do a. I can dance. b. I can draw. √ What can you do √ b. I can read. a. I can run. What can you do √ ① ② ③ ④ What can you do I can ... I can ... I can ... she 她 he 他 Find the rules she he he she he he she What can she/he do She /He can... He can draw. She can sing. She can dance. See you next time! Who is superstar Homework Listen and read Page 17. Do a survey. What can you do What can you do I can run.I can run. I can sing.I can sing. I can dance.I can dance. What can you do What can you do I can jump.I can jump. I can read.I can read. I can draw. I can draw. Super show Act in small groups to show yourselves. Kitty Alice Eddie Danny √

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