ID: 14690441

湘美版 美术六年级下册第2课 俯仰之间(课件)26张PPT

日期:2025-01-12 科目:美术 类型:小学课件 查看:95次 大小:205559453B 来源:二一课件通
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俯仰之间 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 绘画的三个角度 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse. 仰望の世界 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 大象、小白兔、老鹰历尽艰险,看到了传说中的神树,发出了感慨: Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 天顶画(壁画)曼特尼亚(意大利) 艺术实践: 1.创作一幅仰视作品,可以是植物、动物、汽车或建筑的一角,也可以是一个场景 2.临摹一幅仰视作品,构图饱满,颜色丰富 俯视の世界 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 航拍下的视觉现象 这是一个海湾地区,江河蜿蜒着流入大海,沿途分布着大小不等的湖泊。在空中看起来,江河细如绳线,海中岛屿,宛如一片落叶,左上角一团团白云犹如地面上的羊群。一切景物都缩小了,和在地面上看到的景象迥然不同。 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not change. 这是台湾漫画家几米的作品《幸运儿》中的画面。人物头大脚小的比例特征,大象背部的完整展现,营造出画面强烈的俯视感受。 这两幅照片是摄影家王文澜拍摄的系列作品中的两幅,以自行车为载体,表现中国这个“自行车王国”中人们的生活情景。两幅作品采用了不同的拍摄角度,恰到好处地体现了主题。左图如果采用平视的角度来拍,就不能感受到自行车车流的壮观景象 文学诗词中俯瞰的意境 1.会当凌绝顶,一览众山小--杜甫《望岳》 2.北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔--毛泽东《沁园春.雪》 Please enter the relevant text content here. Operation method: select all the text in this paragraph with the mouse, and enter the text directly to replace it. The text format will not chan ... ...

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