ID: 14723460

外研版高中英语必修三Module 5 Great people and Great Invention Reading and Introduction (共32张PPT)

日期:2025-01-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:28次 大小:2689024B 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Do you know The Four Great Inventions of Ancient China What are they Gunpowder Compass Papermaking Printing Discussion Say something more about Confucius, Mencius and Mozi. Great People Confucius 孔子(前551~前479)名丘,字仲尼。春秋后期伟大的思想家、教育家, 儒家的创始人。鲁国人。提出了“仁”的思想, 是中国古代著名的思想家和教育家。 The family is important. We are members of a group. Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 家天下。 己所不欲, 勿施于人。 To have friends come from far away – isn’t that a joy 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎 孟子(前372—前289)名轲,战国中期鲁国邹人。受业于子思 (孔子之孙,名) 之门人,曾游历于宋、滕、魏、齐等国,阐述他的政治主张,还曾在齐为卿。晚年退而著书,传世有《孟子》七篇。是战国中期儒家的代表。 Mencius People are more important than rulers. Man is born good. 民为贵 君为轻。 人性本善。 Mozi 墨翟(公元前468—376),人们尊称墨子。他是战国初年的鲁国人,大约生于公元前468年,死于公元前376年。 All human beings are equal. We should love all human beings. 众生平等。 兼爱。 Match the information from the three boxes. Confucius Mencius Mozi A. 476BC – 390 BC B. 551BC – 479 BC C. 372BC – 289 BC a. He was brought up by his mother. b. He became famous for his unusual clothes and behaviour. c. He is the philosopher whose influence has been the greatest. Confucius ―B ― c Mencius ―C ― a Mozi ― A― b 1. The Chinese people ___ for over 2,000 years. A. followed Confucius’s teachings B. influenced Confucius A Choose the correct answers. 2. Mencius believed that people are ___ important than rulers. A. less B. more 3. Mohism began ____. A. in 476 BC B. by Mozi B B 4. Mozi did not agree with _____. A. kindness B. war 5. Mencius had important government positions, _____. A. but Mozi did not B. and so did Mozi B A Paragraph 1 Introduction about _____ _____ – 479BC greatest influence (more than2,000years) importance of _____, ____ and _____ in society Confucius 551BC kindness duty order Fill in the chart with proper information according to the passage. Paragraph 2 Introduction about _____ He was born in _____ BC and brought up by ___ _____. at an important _____ in the _____ first and later _____. Mencius 372 his mother position government resigned Paragraph 2 Introduction about Mencius The Book of _____. Man was _____. _____ were more important than _____. hate the ____ _____. Mencius kind People rulers cruel government Paragraph 3 Introduction about _____ _____ – 390 BC _____ was most important. All man are _____. love all _____ _____ and look after the weak. hate the idea of ____. Mozi 476 BC Government equal human beings war 1. States were often at peace with each other in ancient China. 2. Confucius’ ideas have the greatest influence on China. 3. Mencius resigned from the government, because the first ruler didn’t respect him. T F war F didn’t follow his advice True or False. 4. Mencius spent all his life preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Mencius. ... ...

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