
外研版必修1 Module1My First Day at Senior High单元提升训练(有答案解析)

日期:2024-09-21 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:74次 大小:48128Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module1 单元提升训练 一、 单项填空 1. A reform in the teaching _____ has made the students more active in class. A. means B. ways C. methods D. forms、 2. The girl _____ me with her graceful and friendly manners when I first met her. A. impressed B. frightened C. scared D. disappointed 3. All of the journalists have been sent to _____ the International Women’s Conference. A. discover B. find C. cover D. join 4. I don’t want to see him. His _____ to me is always rather cold. A. opinion B. behavior C. action D. attitude 5. There must be some _____ — I thought I ordered the smaller cake. A. disagreement B. misunderstanding C. quarrel D. opposition 6. The _____ expression on his face suggested that he was very _____ by it. A. amazed; amazed B. amazing; amazing C. amazed; amazing D. amazing; amazed 7. — You’d better keep quiet in class. — Sometimes I _____. Yesterday, I was very quiet in English class. A. would B. do C. did D. have 8. She is not welcome among her classmates because she _____ bad things about others. A. will always say B. has always said C. always said D. is always saying 9. Our class was _____ four groups to take part in the contest respectively. A. divided into B. separated from C. made up D. composed of 20. The old man went to see his son off, and he didn’t return until his son _____ from sight. A. disappeared B. appeared C. existed D. shrank 11. There are twenty boys and sixty girls in this class. That means that girls are _____ boys. A. as three times many as B. as many three times as C. many as three times as D. three times as many as 12. We are looking for someone who has done this before. _____ experience is necessary. A. Different B. Previous C. Extra D. Varied 13. — I’m going hiking next week. — Really _____. A. Have fun B. Yes, I’m sure of that C.I doubt if you will D. Thanks 14. I don’t think he can complete the experiment, _____ A. do I B. don’t I C. can he D. can’t he 15. I think the writer’s new book is _____ as good as his last one. I’m a little disappointed. A. something like B. nothing like C. not much D. as much 二、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A I was pleased when a student I had in third grade came back to personally invite me to his wedding. He said I was the only teacher that had believed in him. It made me feel so wonderful that he wanted to share the most important day of his life with me. Then the day of the wedding arrived. I went through the receiving line and got big hugs from his sister, then from him and next his parents. His mother was crying. I told her how pleased I was to share this special day, and she said, “You’ve done so much for our son.” I answered by saying that I was glad if I had, even though I wasn’t sure what. Soon after everyone was seated I felt a tug(拖拉) on my arm and it was the groom’s father. He told me that the groom wanted me to sit with his parents. I couldn’t believe that on his special day he would even be thinking a ... ...

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