ID: 14795776

【新课标】Unit 3 Let's live a low-carbon life Lesson 9课件

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:4964518B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Unit 3 Let’s live a low-carbon life 北京版六年级下册 Lesson 9 Teaching objectives (一)语言知识目标 1.能在图片、实物和文本语境的帮助下,听懂、会说、会认单词:date, protect, stop, litter, answer, clean 2. 在教师引导下,初步运用句子:Mum, what's the date today What can we do then How does your dad go to work every day And we should stop using plastic bags. Now look around and answer my question .... Ask and write what you can do on these days. 3. 学生能借助图片和文字,听懂、朗读课文。 4. 能够听懂、理解并表述世界地球日的日期及意义。 5. 能够运用情态动词 can, should 等初步谈论自己对节能环保的想法。 Teaching objectives (二)思维能力目标 1. 能根据文本内容阅读,能够运用情态动词 can, should 等初步谈论自己对节能环保的想法。 2. 能在日常生活中,能够运用情态动词 can, should 等初步谈论自己对节能环保的想法。 (三)学习能力目标 1. 通过Role-play 等活动,学会与他人合作学习的能力。 2. 通过不同的学习任务,能够运用情态动词 can, should 等初步谈论自己对节能环保的想法。 (四)文化品格目标 能够通过本课的学习,增强环保意识,掌握一些简单的保护环境的具体途径和方法。 Lead in Do you know when is World Earth Day What’s it for Think and share it with your classmates. Think and share Lead in Think and share The World Earth Day is on April 22nd. Lead in Think and share It tells us to protect the environment. Let’s learn Guoguo and her parents are looking at a poster. What is it and what are they talking about Let’s have a look. Let’s learn Listen and say Guoguo: Mum, what's the date today Mum: It's April 22nd. It's World Earth Day. Guoguo: What's it for Dad: It tells people to protect the environment. Guoguo: What can we do then Mum: Well, that's easy. How does your dad go to work every day Guoguo: By car. Maybe he can go by bus or by subway. Dad: All right, I'll try. And we should stop using plastic bags. Mum: Yes, let's, and Guoguo, don't litter in public places. Guoguo: Sure, Mum. I never do. Dad: Good girl! Now look around and answer my question: what do we need to keep the lawn clean and tidy Guoguo: I think we need more trashcans by the roadside. Dad: Bingo! Let’s learn date (名词)日期 If you want to change the date, you need to pay the fee. / de t / Let’s learn protect (动词)保护 Every mother will protect her child from hurt. / pr tekt / Let’s learn stop (动词)停止 The police asked him to stop. / st p / Let’s learn litter (动词)乱丢垃圾 Please don't litter in the garden. / l t (r) / Let’s learn answer (动词)回答 Who can answer this question / ɑ ns (r) / Let’s learn clean (形容词)清洁的 We should keep the classroom clean. / kli n / Let’s learn Mum, what's the date today 妈妈, 今天是几号 这是一个询问日期的句型。答句中的日期要具体,可具体到月、日,也可具体到月、日、年。 句型结构:What + be 动词 + the date(s) + 其他 回答:It + be 动词 + 具体日期. Let’s learn. Let’s learn e.g. —What's the date today —It's January 5th. —What's the date of your return —It's January 9th, 2023. Let’s learn. Let’s le ... ...

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