
Module 2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast. 课件(共36张PPT). 课件(共36张PPT)+视频

日期:2024-06-26 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:59次 大小:42013090Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) Lead in Let’s enjoy a video Why does he want to be a PE monitor [ m n t ]n.班长 He says:“ ”. Let’s learn Module 2 What can you do Unit 2 I can run really fast. I can run really fast What can you do Module 2 Unit 2 I can run really fast. Learning aims(学习目标) 1.To learn new words and expressions about the abilities. 2.To understand the reading material about running for class monitors. 3.To learn to write a speech about running for a class monitor. 4.To learn the difficult and key structures and phrases. New words and expressions He wants to be the monitor. [ m n t ]n.班长 It is the new start of the new term. [stɑ t]n.开始;开端 They get on well with each other. 与某人相处融洽 We are ready to help others. 乐于做某事 [ redi]adj.乐意的 We promise to help people in need. [ pr m s]v.承诺;保证 Su Bingtian runs really fast. [fɑ st]adv. 快速地;adj.快速的 Keeping fit is just No. 1. [f t]adj.健康的;强健的 [d st]adv. 就;正好 There are different balls. [b l]n.球;球类游戏 There are different games. [ɡe m]n.运动项目 This is Chinese women's volleyball team. [ti m]n.队伍;球队 × Su Bingtian’s best score is 9.83 second. [best]adj.最好的 [sk ]n.得分;成绩 We should make our room tidy. [ ta di]adj.整齐的;v.收拾;整理 I’m sure everybody likes a tidy house. [ ]adj.确信的;有把握的 [ evrib di]pron. 每个人 My teacher is just like my mum. 正如;正像 [d st]adv.就;正好 The school is very beautiful. [ bju t fl] adj.美丽的 words competition Let’s compare Who is the fastest You can stand up and say your answers as quickly as possible. [ m n t ] [ɡe m] [stɑ t] 乐于做某事 [d st] [ evrib di] [b l] [ ] 与某人相处融洽 正如;正像 [best] [ redi] [sk ] [ti m] [f t] [ bju t fl] [ ta di] n.开始;开端start be ready to do sth. adv. 就;正好just adj.确信的;有把握的sure n.班长monitor get on well with just like n.队伍;球队team adj.最好的best n.得分;成绩score n.球;球类游戏 adj.健康的;强健的fit adj.美丽的beautiful pron. 每个人everyone adj.乐意的ready n.运动项目game adj.整齐的;v.收拾;整理tidy Let’s come to the passage. Fast reading Read the passage quickly and answer the question. 1.What’s the passage mainly about A. Self- introduction (自我介绍) B. Speeches about running for(竞选) the monitors. C. How to choose a monitor. 1. What would Lingling like to be 2. What does Daming want to be 3. What would Tony like to be She would like to be the class monitor. He wants to be the PE monitor. He would like to be the cleaning monitor. Read the passage quickly and answer the questions. class monitor PE monitor cleaning monitor 1. Lingling doesn’t get on well with others. 2. Lingling is kind to everyone. 3. Daming is good at sport so he wants to be the PE monitor. 4. Daming plays football for the school. 5. Tony doesn’t like cleaning. 6. Tony’s home is tidy. √ √ √ × × × Read again and check the true sentences. Careful reading What advantages(优点) do they have to be a good class/PE/cleaning monitor ... ...

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