
2013-2014学年七年级英语下册(牛津译林版)《Unit2 Neighbours》4课时练习

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:21次 大小:57436Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    7B Unit 2 Neighbours Period3 (Grammar) 一、翻译词组 1.迟到_____ 2.生火_____ 3.买一些食物_____ 4.煮一些食物_____ 5.需要一些帮助_____ 6.决定做某事_____ 7.计划外出一周_____ 8.等我回电话_____ 二、单词拼写 1. Today a lot of v_____ will come to our school. 2. We need some more p_____ and forks for the dinner. 3. There is no smoke without f_____. 4. My toy car is broken. Can you help me_____(修理)it 5. Young people can learn a lot of useful skills in_____(学院). 三、单项选择 ( )1. - Can a plane fly_____ the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋) - Yes, but it needs to go_____ the clouds for hours. A. across; through B. through; across C. across; across D. through; through ( )2._____Sandy take her dog to school_____ her A. Shall; and B. Shall; with C. Will; with D. Will; and ( )3. The boy comes out of the room_____ the window. A. through B. over C. cross D. across ( )4. - What's wrong with my computer - It doesn't_____. A. do B. work C. make D. go ( )5. The girl_____ 16 years old next week. A. is going to B. will be C. be D. was 四、完型填空 If you go to a supermarket and find that there is no cashiers (收银员), would you still pay (付钱) for your things People in our 1 are having a test of honesty(诚信测试) now. The supermarket here has a special area. This area sells 2 things like pens and knives. People need to scan (扫描) their things, and put the 3 into the cash desk all by themselves. 4 watches them. By now, the supermarket runs very 5 . People say they enjoy the feeling of being honest. Once (又一次) I go to the supermarket to buy a note book. When I am ready to pay, I find I have no 6 on me. I am just going to put the note book 7 when a neighbour of mine sees me. He knows what my 8 is. And he says he will be glad to 9 me five yuan. I thank him and pay the note book 10 the money. Do you think the supermarket is doing a great job And will you be glad to pay when you are in such a supermarket ( )1. A. school B. class C. neighbourhood D. grade ( )2. A. important B. expensive C. small D. special ( )3. A. things B. money C. price D. name ( )4. A. Somebody B. Nobody C. Everybody D. Anybody ( )5. A. well B. bad C. right D. poor ( )6. A. change B. book C. box D. pockets ( )7. A. away B. back C. home D. in ( )8. A. lesson B. note book C. problem D. idea ( )9. A. lend B. take C. borrow D. spend ( )10. A. for B. of C. about D. with 五、阅读理解 Hello, everyone! I'm Tony Smith. This is my weekend plan. On Saturday morning, I'm going to have a piano lesson. Then I will come back home by bus. In the afternoon, I'm going to do my homework for two hours. Then I'm going to play badminton and ride a bike with my sister. In the evening,1 will do some reading for one hour. Then I am going to practise the piano for about one hour. On Sunday morning, I'm going to the bookstore to buy some interesting books. After that, I will take a rest. At noon, I'm going to have lunch at MacDonald's with my family. In the afternoon, I'm going to have a Maths lesson. The lesson will end ... ...

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