
人教版(新课程标准)必修4Unit 1 Women of achievement B卷——高考仿真检测(时间90分钟,满分120分) - ( 原卷版+ 解析版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:96次 大小:1477632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    B卷———高考仿真检测(时间90分钟,满分120分) 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) A Dear Managing Director, As you know, money was recently received for improvements to the café, and the Board (董事会) has made some suggestions about how to spend it.The purpose of this letter is to show the reaction of the staff (全体员工) to your ideas and to present some suggestions of our own. As we understand, the Board has three main suggestions: ·to repaint the walls and hang curtains ·to buy longer tables and more chairs ·to brighten up the café with plants We are very happy with the idea of repainting and curtains.This would certainly make the café more attractive.However, we do not feel that there is any need for new tables and chairs.The present furniture is in good condition and because the tables are small, they encourage a friendlier feeling than long tables would.As for plants, we feel the money could be better spent on other things.Our suggestions are: ·to buy a new dishwashing machine.The present machine is of poor quality and doesn't always clean the dishes well. ·to buy a new coffee machine.The present machine breaks down very often and takes a long time to get repaired. Also, would it be possible to change our servicing company ·to buy more salt and pepper sets so we have one for every table. ·to buy new staff uniforms (制服).The present uniforms are uncomfortable and unattractive. We hope that our suggestions will be given serious consideration, particularly those related to the two machines. We look forward to discussing them with you at a convenient (方便的) time. Constanza Brookes, Staff Representative 1.On what do the staff agree to spend the money A.Walls.        B.Chairs. C.Tables. D.Plants. 2.What do we know about the tables in the café? A.They are of poor quality. B.They are environmentally friendly. C.They seem too small for customers. D.They provide a comfortable feeling. 3.Which do the staff think is more important A.Buying more salt sets. B.Making new uniforms. C.Getting a new coffee machine. D.Changing the servicing company. B My beautiful new watch had run eighteen months without losing or gaining (走得快).But at last, one night, I forgot to wind it up (上发条) and it stopped running.The next day I stepped into the jeweler's to set it by the exact time, and the head of the shop started to set it for me.Then he said, “She is four minutes slow — regulator (调节器) wants pushing up.” I tried to stop him — tried to make him understand that the watch kept perfect time.But no; he calmly and cruelly did the shameful deed. My watch began to gain.It gained faster and faster day by day.Finally I took it to the watchmaker to be regulated.He forced the watch open, and then said it wanted cleaning and oiling, besides regulating.After this, my watch slowed down to an unbearable degree.I began to miss trains and my dinner. At last, I took this instrument to anothe ... ...

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