
人教版(新课程标准)必修 第四册Unit 1 Women of achievement Warming Up & Reading 同步练习 ( 原卷版+ 解析版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:78次 大小:1211904Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Section Ⅰ Warming Up & Reading (一)基础词汇全面练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Not only the employees but also the boss began a _____ (运动) to save money and material. 2.Suddenly she heard a sound, and the fear _____ (涌入) in on her. 3.His performance on the NBA court _____ (鼓舞) those who want to be a basketball player. 4.I was _____(资助) by my parents when I was studying at college. 5.He is always _____(直言的) and doesn't hesitate to speak out what he wants to say. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.These sports are not only intended for _____ (entertain).They are of great value to character training. 2.Coming top in such an important exam is quite an _____ (achieve). 3.There is a _____ (connect) between pollution and the death of the trees. 4.The letters WTO stand for the World Trade _____(organize). 5.His encouraging remarks inspired me _____ confidence. 6.The man was observed _____ (enter) the bank by the police. Ⅲ.选词填空 1.He asked me many questions _____ my diet in Britain. 2.We sat _____ and observed ants carry food in the yard. 3.We'll have to _____how much food we'll need for the party. 4.I hope they continue to _____ equal justice after I'm gone. 5.The guard blew his whistle, and the train _____. 6.To achieve our aims, we should _____ our study and work. (二)重点单词多维练 1.behave (单句语法填空/单句写作) (1)The shop assistant behaves well _____ customers.That's why we often go shopping there. (2)Behave _____.You should set a good example to your sister. (3)I think all of us should mind our _____ (behave) in public places. (4)我认为在这个社会里他们用那种方式做事是不合情理的。 _____ 2.worthwhile (1)选词填空(worthwhile/worth/worthy) ①I think it _____ to see the film again. ②The beautiful scenery is well _____ visiting. ③He who does his duty is _____ of being praised. (2)一句多译 他的建议值得考虑。 ④_____.(worth) ⑤_____.(worthy) ⑥_____.(worthwhile) 3.respect (单句语法填空/单句写作) (1)In addition, you should show respect _____ all the teachers who unselfishly help you to gain much knowledge. (2)_____ respect to your other suggestions, I am not yet able to tell you our decision. (3)She is always honest with me, and I respect her _____ that. (4)This suggestion differs from the last one in many _____ (respect). (5)当我有不同的意见时,我可能会选择放弃并尊重多数人的意见。 _____ 4.argue (1)单句语法填空 ①As our family income decreased, father argued _____ an increase in our pocket money. ②The children are arguing with their parents _____ where to spend their holiday. ③We argued him _____ changing his mind of going there. (2)根据提示完成小片段 他反对吸烟,并且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的。最后,他说服我们不再吸烟了。 He ④_____ smoking, and insisted that it was ⑤_____ that smoking was harmful to health.At last, he ⑥_____. (三)易混短语比较练 1.lead a ...life (=live a ...life) 过着……的生活 英语中有少数动词 如:live, die, sleep, dream, breathe, smile, laugh, fight, run等 可用于“动词+a+形容词+动词的同源名词”中,构成 ... ...

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