
人教版(新课程标准)必修 第四册Unit 1 Women of achievement周末大自习·话题集训( 原卷版+ 解析版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:33次 大小:768000Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    周末大自习·话题集训  卷(一) 话题阅读提速练(限时35分钟) Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Sue Hendrickson is a self taught fossil (化石) hunter.As a kid, Sue Hendrickson often walked with her head down.“People said, ‘Look up.Smile!’” she says.“Now, I realize I was born to look for things and just didn't know it.” Sue Hendrickson does more than look — she finds valuable things: Shipwrecks (沉船) with treasure, ancient sunken cities, and in 1990, she found Sue, the world's largest, most complete Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙).Is Hendrickson lucky Well, maybe.But she also knows how to look. “I limit the area where I'm going to look,” she says.No one knew the location of the sunken ship San Diego in the Philippines.For a year, Hendrickson and other researchers searched papers and sailors' diaries.“The descriptions of the ship's sailors led us to the wreck (残骸),” she says.The team also used a tool that can respond to metal.This tool found the San Diego.All the work paid off: The 400 year old ship was complete, with valuable gold and silver coins. To find the dinosaur she calls “the biggest animal that ever walked on earth,” Hendrickson started with maps made to search for oil.What Hendrickson found was the largest and most complete T.rex found to date.The T.rex is 42 feet long with 200 bones! Because it is so complete, scientists were able to infer that Sue walked at about 6 miles per hour and did not run faster than 15 miles an hour.Before Sue was discovered, they thought T.rex was much faster.To learn more about T.rex Sue, go to the Field Museum in Chicago. There's plenty left to be found, Hendrickson says, including answers to mysteries such as how T.rex lived.“I tell kids that they need to grow up and work them out because all of us old persons haven't yet!” 1.What's Paragraph 2 mainly about A.An ancient city. B.Hendrickson's hobby. C.The world's largest T.rex. D.Hendrickson's great findings. 2.How did Hendrickson find the sunken ship San Diego A.With a self made tool.   B.By starting with research. C.By following sailors' lead. D.With the help of oil maps. A.It helped scientists learn new things about T.rex. B.It ran faster than any other T.rex. C.It let people know how T.rex lived. D.It was the biggest dinosaur. 4.What does Hendrickson advise kids to do A.Find more fossils. B.Explore mysteries. C.Visit the Field Museum. D.Respect scientific research. B Rio Olympic gold medalist, table tennis player Ding Ning, 26, is a famous table tennis player.She experienced many setbacks (挫折) before achieving great success.In 2006, Ding's ranking in the national team was last but one.However, within five years of hard practice, she had raised her level point by point to become China's number one player. Things didn't always go so easily.In May 2010, when taking part in the World Team Table Tennis Championships in Moscow, she was beaten by two players from Singapore in the women's doubles final.As a result, China lost the event ... ...

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