
【大单元整合】Unit 2 I‘ll help to clean up the city parks.(Section B 2a-2e)课件音视频+导学案

日期:2024-06-10 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:94次 大小:200025597Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.阅读导学案 Activity 1: Warming-up&Free talk Activity 2: Lead-in Activity 3: Fast- reading (Read the passage and match.) 1.Look at the title &picture and answer. 1.What is the genre (体裁) of the passage How do you know it 2. Who wrote/received it 3. What’s the trouble with the man 4. What is the relationship between the lady and the man 2. Read fast and match.(skimming) Ben has difficulties doing normal things and wants to have a dog helper. Para 1 Ben will send a photo of Lucky to Miss Li and thanks her again. Para 2 Ben gives thanks Miss Li for giving money to Animal Helpers. Para 3 Ben feels lucky to have Lucky. Para 4 Activity 4: Careful-reading 1.Read para.1 &2 and complete finish the questions and mind map. 1. Why does Ben give thanks to Miss Li _____ 2.Read para.3 &4 and complete finish the questions and ID card. ID Card Name:_____ Kind: _____ From: _____ Owner: _____ Personality: _____ Ability:_____ 1. Who does Ben think of Lucky _____ 2. What will Ben do to thank Miss Li _____ Activity 5: Post-reading(A+B1层根据思维导图复述,B2,C,D层完成下列篇章) Ben Smith wrote a letter to thank Miss Li for her _____ to Animal Helpers that was _____ to help _____ people by _____animals. _____ things like _____ the telephone and carrying things are _____ for Ben Smith _____ he can't use his arms or legs well.Ben Smith was _____ about the idea of having a _____ dog. Because of Miss Li’s _____, Smith was able to have a “dog helper” named _____. He is very clever and can _____ Smith _____ he gave him orders. Smith will send Miss Li a photo of Lucky and thank Miss Li again for _____.(课件网) Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. SectionB 2a-2e Warm up Let’s watch a video. Activity 1-1: Warmming-up Are they pet dogs What’s wrong with dogs’ owners How the dog help them What do you think of the dogs No, they are guide dogs(导盲犬). They’re blind. The dogs help them move around and guide thim to the public places. They’re clever. guide[ɡa d] n. 导游;向导 blind[bla nd] adj.瞎的;失明的 2e Discuss the questions with a partner. 1. In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people Activity 1-2: Free talk They can guide the blind people to travel safely around busy cities. They can let the deaf people know when the phone is ringing or... They can help to pick up or carry things. They can help the police catch the criminals. Dogs are the faithful companions (忠实的伙伴) of human beings. 2.What other animals can we train to help people monkeys miniature horses [ m n t ] Animals are our good friends. They help us a lot. We should get on well with them. the blind someone who is unable to see someone who is unable to hear the deaf someone who is unable to walk someone who is unable to use his arm [def]adj.聋的 There are many disabled people around us. Do you know them Being disabled is hard to imagine for common people. Disabled people will hav ... ...

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