
九年级全一册 Unit 1-2(测试卷)-2023年中考英语第一轮复习讲练测(人教版)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:54次 大小:1800264Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2023年中考英语一轮复习讲练测 九年级全册Unit 1-2测 一、单项选择 1. —How do you learn English, Toby —I often practice English chatting my American friend. A. in; to B. by; of C. by; with D. with by 2. —What’s the _____to your success, Mr. Miller —It all depends on my hard work. A.part B.opinion C.matter D.secret 3. I didn’t catch what you said just now. Can you    it again A.reply B.review C.repeat D.refuse 4. —The doctor told me not to eat too much, but I find it difficult. —The doctor is right, _____you eat, _____you will be. A. The less; the healthier B. The less; the more healthier C. The more; the healthier D. The more; the more healthier 5.When you visit a museum, you should _____ the instructions. A.compare with B.look forward to C.pay attention to D.try out 6.He is just a small child, so you must be _____ him. Don’t shout at him. A.afraid of B.proud of C.patient with D.popular with 7.Whether or not we can have a great success   our learning habits. A. depends on     B. plays a role in C. comes up with       D. looks up to 8. The old man for six years because of the bad illness. A. has died B. has been dead C. is dying D. died 9. Mike doesn’t care about he can make much money. He just works for fun. A. that B. whether C. if D. how 10.—Hi, Jill. I’d like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma. —Really Make sure the news is true before you it. receive B. spread C. cancel D. hear 11.—Jack, let's have a picnic after school. —Sorry. I have Frank to work on the biology report with him. A.advised B. expected C. made D. promised 12.I don't know _____ he will come tomorrow. _____ he comes, I'll tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If 13.—To the students, what should the teacher at school —Of course the ways they study, I think. A. give up B. part with C. care about D. clear out 14. —Why are you late for dinner, Jim —At first I wanted to take a taxi, but I walking here because of the heavy traffic. A. ended up B. took up C. gave up D. looked up 15.John _____with a knife but now he _____with chopsticks after living in Beijing for several months. A. used to eat; is used to eat B. used to eating; gets used to eat C. used to eat; is used to eating D. was used to eating; is used to eat 二、词形变化 1.Nothing is a waste if we have a (create) mind. 2.I think a successful (learn) should have good learning habits. 3. Mary becomes _____ (interest)in singing. 4.The teacher told us to pay attention to (spell) English words. 5. Each of us spoke at the meeting (active). 6.His _____(know) of English is very limited. 7. The_____ (die) fish made my little sister sad for several days. 8. We should treat everyone with kindness and_____(warm), spreading love and joy everywhere we go. 9.The game tells children the _____(important) of sharing love and joy. 10. He _____ (punish) because of doing wrong. 三、单词拼写。 1.Mr. Green is very smar ... ...

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