
Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?书面表达课件(共17张PPT)2022-2023学年鲁教版(五四学制)七年级英语下册

日期:2024-06-05 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:35次 大小:252699Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) 书面表达 Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake 一、话题分析 本单元的话题是“食物制作(Cooking)”, 介绍制作一种食物的过程, 包括制作原料、制作步骤、方式方法和注意事项等。 二、写作方法 “一引二解三览”法写食物制作类说明文。 一引: 引出话题。引出食物制作话题, 为下文介绍制作方法做好铺垫。 二解: 解释方法。按照食物制作步骤, 有条理地介绍方式方法。 三览: 总览全文。对上文中的制作步骤、方式方法进行概括性总结。 三、素材积累 1. “食物制作”类作文的常用词汇: make//need//first//next//then//finally//put…in…//fill…with…//add//heat . . . for. . . //mix. . . together//cut up//peel//cut. . . into pieces/ in half//pour some water into the pot//cook on heat//let it cool 2. “食物制作”类作文的常用句型: To make…, we need… First, put…in… Next, add…to… Finally, fill…with… We can enjoy the delicious food. Cut up the apples, pears and the carrots. Put the onion and potato pieces into the hot water. . . Put the pot of water on the heat. Add some salt and sugar to the soup. The beef and tomato soup is ready now. Have a taste to see if it is salty enough. 四、写作任务 在今天的劳技课上, 老师安排你给英国的交流生们介绍中国人最常做的家常菜肴之——— 西红柿炒鸡蛋(scrambled eggs with tomatoes), 请你按照下面的提示, 介绍一下西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法。 提示: 1. 所需原料: 西红柿、鸡蛋各两个; 少许油、盐和糖。 2. 烹调时间约三分钟。 要求: 70 词左右。 五、写作模板 六、高分作文 _____ Hello, everyone! Today, let me tell you how to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes — a delicious dish. Here are some instructions. You need two eggs, two tomatoes, some oil, sugar and salt. Now let’s practice together. First, you should mix up the two eggs. Next, cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Then, pour some oil into the pan. After a while, put the eggs in the pan, and then the tomatoes. Cook them for about three minutes. Finally, don’t forget to add a little salt and sugar. Now you are able to have it. That’s it. Thanks. _____ 请用上本单元我们所学的词汇, 发挥想象, 编写一篇50词左右的小短文, 体裁不限。 参考词汇: traditional, autumn, temperature, celebrate, plate… 书面表达 一 _____ The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. It often comes in autumn. The temperature is not too high or too low in this season. People often celebrate it by having a big meal with their family members. People often eat mooncakes. They are delicious. Sometimes people place the food on the plates and eat the food in the open air. 你喜欢吃火鸡三明治吗 你知道如何制作火鸡三明治吗 亲手为自己做一份火鸡三明治吧! 请看下表: 要求: 1. 短文需用到表格中所提供的内容。 2. 词数: 60左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数。 书面表达 二 Ingredients(原料) Amount(数量) bread 2 pieces butter 2 spoons onion 1 tomato 1 turkey 3 pieces relish(佐料) 1 spoon How to Make a Turkey Sandwich Do you like turkey sandwiches I like them very much. Do you know how to make a turkey sandwich Let's have a try. _____ How to Make a Turkey Sandwich Do you like turkey sandwiches I like the ... ...

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