ID: 14995765

Unit3 Let's live a low-carbon life Lesson9 课件+素材(共37张PPT)

日期:2024-10-28 科目:英语 类型:小学素材 查看:70次 大小:119347082B 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) The World Earth Day Lesson 9 北京版小学英语六年级下册 Unit3 Let’s live a low-carbon life Warm-up time Teaching goals 能够听懂、理解并表述世界地球日的意义,以此巩固日期的询问和回答。 能够理解并朗读课文,尝试表演对话,并转述主课文。 复习、巩固以Do,Don’t,Let’s等引导的祈使句。能够对“It’s tell... to...”和“I think....”这样比较复杂的句式在语境中充分地理解,并在相应的场景中尝试运用。 能在了解地球题的学习活动中增强环保意识。 Key Vocabulary protect 保护 protect the environment We should protect our environment. 我们应该保护环境。 protect against He is always protecting against others. 他总是防范着别人。 protect from He is always protecting him from danger. 他总是保护自己免受侵害。 Key Vocabulary stop 停止 stop doing sth vs stop to do sth stop doing sth 停止做某事 Please stop smoking. 请停止吸烟。 stop to do sth 停下正在做的事 Hearings the doorbells,she stopped to open the door. 听到门铃,她停下手中的活去开门 Key Vocabulary litter 乱丢垃圾 Don’t litter the place with wastepaper. 不要乱丢废纸。 No litter! 不要乱丢垃圾! The room was littered with newspapers. 房间里到处是乱扔的报纸。 Key Vocabulary answer 回答 Please answer the question. 请回答这个问题。 No answer! 没有回答! The problem and answer are very simple. 这个问题及答案都很简单。 Key Vocabulary clean 清洁的 Please keep the lawn clean and tidy. 请保持草坪干净整洁。 She licked the spoon clean. 她把勺子舔的干干净净。 Are your hands clean 你的手干净吗? Read the words again. protect 保护 stop 停止 litter 乱丢垃圾 answer 回答 clean 清洁的 Choose the right word. We should do something to our earth. protect stop litter answer clean protect Choose the right word. Please using plastic bags. stop protect litter answer clean stop Choose the right word. Don’t everywhere in your room. litter protect stop answer clean litter Choose the right word. Please your teacher’s question. answer protect stop litter clean answer Choose the right word. Please keep your room . clean protect stop litter answer clean Listen and say Look at the picture. They are Guoguo and her parents. Where are they What’s in front of them What are they talking about Watch the video and then answer the questions. What are they talking about They are talking about the World Earth Day. 世界地球日(World Earth Day)定于每年4月22日,是一项世界性的环境保护活动。 世界地球日(活动起源于美国。1970年4月22日,在美国民主党参议员盖洛德 尼尔森(Gaylord Nelson)和哈佛大学学生丹尼斯 海斯的倡议和组织下,美国数十万群众参与了“地球日”这个重要的活动,呼吁创造一个清洁、简单、和平的生活环境。1990年4月22日,全球140多个国家、2亿多人同时在世界各地举行形式多样的环境保护宣传活动,呼吁改善全球整体环境。这项活动得到了联合国的肯定。2009年4月22日,第63届联合国大会一致通过决议,决定将今后每年的4月22日定为“世界地球日”。 世界地球日 Guoguo: Mum: Guoguo: Dad: Guoguo: Mum: Guoguo: Dad: Mum: Guoguo: Dad: Guoguo: Dad: Mum, what’s the date today It’s April 22nd. It’s World Earth Day. What’s it fo ... ...

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