
Module 11 Body language Unit 2 导学案 2022-2023学年外研版七年级英语下册(无答案)

日期:2024-06-18 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:14次 大小:430080Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 11 Body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them. 课型:Reading 上课时间: 第_____案 课标要求: 1.读懂简单的句子和短文并抓住大意; 2.根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息; 3.了解英语国家人际交往习俗。 学习目标: 1.通过复习已知的肢体语言和看图快速反应,在语境中识记并运用本单元目标词汇进行口语表达; 2.通过完成阅读任务,能根据不同阅读目的运用适当的阅读策略获取信息; 3.通过复述文章能够深化记忆不同国家社交时的肢体语言,拓展视野,理解他国文化并能做到入乡随俗。 重难点: 1.运用正确的阅读策略理解文章。 评价任务: 完成Task1, Task2。(DO 1) 完成Task3, Task4。(DO 2) 完成Task5。(DO 3) 学习过程: 课前自学 一、根据音标写单词 1.['f g ] ( ) 2.['p sn l]__( )3. [h ld]__( ) 4. [p 'la t]__( ) 5.['s mwe ]__( ) 6.[we v]__( ) 7.[f kt]__( ) 8.[[br ]__ ( ) 二、翻译短语 1. 挎着胳膊走_____2.事实上_____3.站得近 4.个人空间_____5.小心_____6.站成一排 7.准时,按时 8.挥手告别 9.一点儿也不 课堂导学 Use questions to lead in. I.Lead in Review. What do people usually do in different countries usually do when they meet? II.Pre-reading Task1 Write and think. Write the names of the parts of your body. (A1) Task2 Say the words and phrases as quickly as possible. Ⅲ. While-reading Task3 Fast reading 1.What’s the main idea of the passage 2.Read the whole passage quickly. Match the left with the right. Para. 1 Touching Para. 2 Farewell Para. 3 Brief introduction Para. 4 Distance Para. 5 Eye contact Task4 Careful Reading 1.Read the passage and answer the questions.(P69, A2) 2.Read and check.(P69, A3) 3.Complete the passage.(P69, A4) 课堂检测 IV. Post-reading Task5 Retell the passage based on the mind map. 分层作业 基础类作业 一、单项选择 ( )1. in the reading room. A. Not talk B.Not talking C.Don’t talk D.Don’t talking ( )2.Some parents don’t like their children computer games. A. to play B.to playing C.play D.playing ( )3. more, and you will improve(提高) your spoken English. A. Speak B.Speaks C.Speaking D.To speak ( )4.In China, people shakes hands each other when they meet. A. among B.in C.for D.with ( )5.—The man looks like an American, but , he comes from England. A. in fact B. so that C. close to D. at first 二、用所给词正确形式填空 1.Don't let him_____(go) swimming.Let him _____(not go) swimming. 2.Don't _____(be) late for school again. 3._____(be) careful all the time when you cross the road. 4._____(speak) aloud when you answer the question. 5.No _____(park) here please. 6.No _____ (photo) in the museum please. 综合类作业 阅读理解 Body language is an important part of communication(交流).If you want to communicate well,it's important to understand how you can (and can't) use your body to say what you mean, especially when you're in a foreign country. If a person is bored, he won't look at the person who is talking to him. He will find other things to do. He may also keep looking at his watch or a clock. If a person is open to you, his arms and legs will not be crossed (交叉的). And if a person is relaxed, you will know it by looking at his body, even h ... ...

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