
人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册 Unit3 Sports and fitness Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:35次 大小:25779Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 3 Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计 课时内容 Choose your favourite athlete 主题语境:人与社会 主题群:文学、艺术与体育 子主题:体育人物和体育精神 语篇类型:说明文 文本分析: [What]本节课采用说明文的形式,介绍世界上两位体育传奇人物:郎平和乔丹。文章先对他们的成就和特点做总的描述,然后举例子说明他们的优秀品质。 [Why]向中国学生介绍当代体育传奇人物。 [How]文章采用排比、比喻、举例子等说明方法,生动形象地介绍了体坛传奇人物郎平和乔丹,写作手法新颖,语言简洁、优美,文章结构层次分明。 课时目标 1.深层理解课文内容,获取当代体坛传奇人物郎平和乔丹的主要成就、特点等信息。 2.能用恰当的语言谈论当代体坛传奇人物郎平和乔丹。 3能用恰当的语言谈论学生自己喜欢的体育传奇人物。 重点难点 重点: 深层理解课文内容,获取当代体坛传奇人物郎平和乔丹的主要成就、特点等信息,并用恰当的语言谈论他们。 难点: 能用恰当的语言谈论学生自己喜欢的体育传奇人物。 教学准备 教师准备: 1.搜集郎平和乔丹更多的信息。 2准备介绍体育传奇人物的网站或文本信息。 学生准备: 预习本课的相关词汇,利用网络搜集自己喜欢的体育传奇人物的信息。 教学过程 Step I 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意(Making predictions)(SB,P38,Part 1) 1.Strategy introduction Make predictions. Look at the pictures and think about the content before reading. This helps you relate what you read to what you already know and to understand the new text. 2.Predicting. Ask students to look at the title and pictures and predict what they think the text is about. 3.Understanding the definition. Ask students to read the definition of living legends of sports. They must be athletes who are masters in their sports and also set good examples for others. 【设计意图】通过读前预测,学生形成对文章主要内容和关键概念新的认识。 活动二:获取和梳理(First-reading) Ask students to read the passage for the first time and get the basic information about the two living legends. Who Lang Ping Michael Jordan Profession Unique Personality Reasons Suggested answers: Who Lang Ping Michael Jordan Profession volleyball coach basketball player Unique Personality excellent volleyball skills and good organizing and coaching ability excellent basketball skills and mental strength Reasons When preparing for 2015 World Cup, the team was falling apart, but Lang Ping did not lose heart. She encouraged young players to work together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions! In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way to win. Jordan says that the secret to his success is learning from his failures. In life, he has learnt to share his success with others. 【设计意图】通过表格,学生可以带着问题细读文章,获取和梳理两位体育传奇人物的基本信息。 活动三:深层理解(Read and decide)(SB,P39,Part2) 1.Make sure students understand the request of the exercise. 2.Go through the sentences in SB,P39,Part 2 and make sure they understand their meanings. 3.Ask students to read the passage on Page 38 and decide their answers. 4.Share the answers Suggested answers : I Lang Ping won several championships before she became a coach. S Lang Ping believed t ... ...

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