
【核心素养目标】Unit 4 Save the trees 第4课时Speaking & Writing教案

日期:2024-06-12 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:38次 大小:1329152Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳·广州版英语七年级下册第4课时教学设计 课题 Save the trees 单元 Unit 4 学科 英语 年级 七 教材分析 This teaching period mainly deal with speaking and writing. Students are expected to ①learn to say/sk/,/sp/,/st/,/sl/,/sm/,/pl/,/pr/,/kw/, /tw/ ② Use pictures and prompts to complete the story. 核心素养教学目标 1. Knowledge objectives: ①Use pictures and prompts to complete the story. ②Master the methods and rules in spelling and pronunciation. 2. Skill objectives: ①Recognize words containing /sk/,/sp/,/st/,/sl/,/sm/,/pl/,/pr/,/kw/, /tw/. ②Discuss the importance of trees to human beings through group activities. ③Use the present continuous tense to describe the content of the picture by using the method of conjunctions and sentences.3. Emotional objectives: Through understanding and discussing the role of trees, enhance students' awareness of loving nature and protecting natural resources.4. Thinking quality objectives: Master the structure of the article, imitate the structure and create your own. 重点 Use pictures and prompts to complete the story. 难点 Perform according to the content of the story. 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Lead in Let Ss learn and try tongue twister.Show time Learn and try tongue twister.Show in class. To arouse students’ interest. 讲授新课 Talk Time1. Lead Ss to read the words. Let them work out the rules for the pronunciation of /sk/,/sp/,/st/,/sl/,/sm/,/pl/,/pr/;2. Show students more words with /sk/,/sp/,/st/,/sl/,/sm/,/pl/,/pr/3. Let students listen to the tape carefully and finish the exercise.Speak up1. Brainstorm. In groups, discuss why trees are important.Trees are good for …We can make …We also get …2. Give students some helpful tips.3. Lead students to read the example.4. Ask students to talk about the importance of trees following the example and show in class.Writing1. Show some pictures to students and let students describe the pictures . 2. Tell students to be ready for writing a story about the pictures. And give them some tips.3. Now make conversations about what is going on in the pictures with the words in brackets.4. Lead students to use the key words to write some sentences about each picture. Pay attention to the present continuous tense.5. Ask students to read the complete story and find out some useful expressions.6. Summarize the writing topic in this unit and analyze the example with students.7. Let students try to write an article using the words and sentences according to the sample writing.8. Let students check out the mistakes and correct. Read the words and work out the rules for the pronunciation.Learn more about words with /sk/,/sp/,/st/,/sl/,/sm/,/pl/,/pr/.Finish the exercise and check the answers.In groups, discuss why trees are important. Write down some notes.Learn some useful tips.Read the example.Talk about the importance of trees following the example and show in class.Describe the pictu ... ...

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