
人教版(2019)必修第三册 Unit2 Morals and Virtues Reading for Writing 名师教学设计(含答案)

日期:2024-05-20 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:15次 大小:23895Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit2 Reading for Writing 名师教学设计 课时内容 Share your opinions about a moral story 主题语境:人与自我 主题群:做人与做事 子主题:优秀的品行、正确的人生态度、公民义务与社会责任 语篇类型:寓言 文本分析: 本节课提供了一个小寓言“The stone in the road”,主要讲述了一位国王希望教育臣民们遇到困难不要去抱怨而是努力去解决问题的故事。第一自然段总领全文。第二段开始叙述故事发展的经过,国王在路上放置了一块压着金子的石头,人们被石头挡道后做出相同的反———只会抱怨却无动于衷。一天过去了,没有一个人愿意搬开石头。最后一个年轻的女孩怕石头妨碍他人,便努力搬开了石头,结果获得了金子。最后一个自然段通过国王的话,点明主题,升华主旨,给人们带来了一定的教育意义和启示。 课时目标 通过阅读,获取故事的基本信息。 学习用恰当的语言讲述道德故事。 培养学生树立正确的道德观以及优秀的品质。 培养学生批判性思维,引导学生判断是非,做出正确的道德选择。 重点难点 重点: 获取文本信息和文本特点。 难点: 用恰当的语言讲述道德故事并表达自己的观点。 教学准备 教师准备: 搜集一些道德小故事。 学生准备: 1.反思自己做过的道德选择。 2.预习新词汇和课文。 教学过程 Step I 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意(Brainstorm) Ask students to work in groups and brainstorm some good morals, virtues and some fables or stories about them in Chinese traditional culture. 活动二:获取与梳理(Predict and read) 1.Ask students to read the title and try to predict what story is mainly about? 2.Ask students to read the story and answer the following questions: (1)What was the kings idea for teaching an important lesson to his people? (2)What was the response from most of the people (3)What did the young girl think and do when she saw the coins? (4)What do you think this fable is trying to tell us? (5)Was the king wise?Why or why not? Suggested answers: (1) He placed a large stone in the middle of the main street and hid gold coins under the stone. Then he hid behind a huge maple tree and watched to see if anyone move it. (2) Most of the people complained about the stone but nobody made an attempt to move it. (3) She thought she must find the owner of the gold coins. (4) It is trying to tell us that we should all take responsibility for our community, society and country. (5) ①Yes, he was. Because as a ruler, he should pay attention to his people’s morals and virtues. Only having good morals and virtues could make his people live with each other in harmony, and his country may be in control and prosperous. ②No, he wasn’t. Because few people learnt from his experiment. In the text, the milkman, the woman with water, and the other villagers complained about the stone and continued on their journey. It seemed that the responsibility of the majority is too little just because they are busy with their own things. 【设计意图】通过阅读,让学生了解不同人遇事做出的不同选择,引导学生理智思考,做出正确的选择,为写作提供范例。 活动三:概括与整合 1. Ask students to read the story again and complete the table. Person Experience Emotion Response milkman crash into the stone anger went away woman with water other vil ... ...

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