
牛津译林版(2019) 选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Out of This World Extended reading 课件(43张ppt,内镶嵌视频素材)

日期:2024-06-22 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:73次 大小:43498954Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) U2 Extended reading Why we explore Learning Objectives Summarize the author’s reasons for space exploration; Analyze the structure of the argumentative essay; Appreciate the writing techniques that the author adopts; Comprehend the significance of space exploration. Lead in If the doomsday came, where could we go Read for structure Which of the following best shows the structure of the text Read for structure Reasons To satisfy our _____ To better understand_____ To solve _____ To gain _____ To and _____ the next generation Summarize the reasons for space exploration mentioned in the article. big problems and make our lives safer and easier educate inspire our curiosity the origin, evolution and likely future of the universe. great economic value Read for details Para.1 Introduction How does the author lead to the topic in Para.1 An :Neil Armstrong The reality: space exploration is extremely , and . Some people about the significance of space exploration. A : Why do we continue to explore space Writing Tip 1: a retorical question is a question that is asked merely to make a point with no expected. example difficult and dangerous time-consuming money-consuming doubt retorical question answer Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity our nature curiosity about the unknown visit thick and wild forests climb vast mountain ranges cross deep oceans explore the furthest frontier--space our Earth the universe Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity Writing Tip 2: Quotation “Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” ———Stephen Hawking to make the argument more . persuasive Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity From what Stephen Hawking said we can know that _____. A. humans have been tired of space exploration B. to travel beyond space is puzzling humans C. keeping curious is fundamental in space exploration D. watching the stars is a free activity for humans Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity Do you know any ancient tales that reflect human's fascination with the sky Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity Chang’e China’s moon project and its probe are both named after her. In , the Chang’e-3 lunar probe on the moon and was carried around by a lunar rover called Yutu. The two names perfectly the legend of the moon fairy and her pet. exploration lunar 2013 laneded match Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity Queqiao In a Chinese folk tale, it was by millions of magpies. A couple could meet each other despite the Milky away. It serves as a“space-bridge” for between the moon and the earth. formed seperated communication Read for details Para.2 natural curiosity Wukong It was in 2015, and was named after the Monkey King. People hope the probe could find matter in a vast reaches of space. It is just like Wu Kong’s “eyes of ” from which noting . launched ... ...

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