
专题04 单词拼写100题-2023届九年级英语名校真题分类汇编(江苏专用)(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:28次 大小:155539Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023届江苏省九年级英语名校真题分类汇编 专题04 单词拼写100题 一、根据首字母填空 1.(2022·江苏江苏·九年级期中)Poor health f_____ her to give up her studies last year. 2.(2022·江苏江苏·九年级期中)U_____ efforts should be made to protect the earth’s biodiversity (生物多样性) . 3.(2022·江苏江苏·九年级期中)I am as busy as a bee recently and I h_____ have any time for my hobbies. 4.(2022·江苏苏州·九年级期中)I think health m_____ more to everyone than anything else. 5.(2022·江苏·沭阳县怀文中学九年级阶段练习)The Curies (居里夫妇) are best known for d_____ radium (镭). 6.(2022·江苏·沭阳县怀文中学九年级阶段练习)The teachers are trying to make their lessons l_____ and interesting. 7.(2022·江苏苏州·九年级期中)Jane is ill today. That’s the reason why she is a_____ from school. 8.(2022·江苏苏州·九年级期中)You will be punished if you are a_____ the rules. 9.(2022·江苏苏州·九年级期中)Thanks to the light and h_____ from the sun, living things on Earth can survive. 10.(2022·江苏·苏州工业园区东延路实验学校模拟预测)— It’s time for Mr. White to a_____ the result. — I hope I can pass the exam successfully. 11.(2022·江苏·苏州工业园区东延路实验学校模拟预测)—Jane has made a lot of money since the company was set up. But she’s really tired out. —Loss of health is more serious than loss of w_____. 12.(2022·江苏·苏州工业园区东延路实验学校模拟预测)Driving after drinking wine is a_____ the law in China. 13.(2022·江苏·苏州工业园区东延路实验学校模拟预测)Zhang Ruoxu, a Tang Dynasty poet, is widely k_____ for his poem A Moonlit Night on the Spring River (《春江花月夜》). 14.(2022·江苏宿迁·三模)I don’t know how to get along with my classmates. Can you give me some a_____ 二、根据汉语提示填空 15.(2022·江苏盐城·九年级阶段练习)She was so shy that her face became even _____(红的)when she was asked to sing a song. 16.(2022·江苏盐城·九年级阶段练习)We usually have lessons in a _____(固定的)order every day. 17.(2022·江苏盐城·九年级阶段练习)Qian Xuesen was the _____ (先锋) of China’s space technology program. 18.(2022·江苏盐城·九年级阶段练习)The boss of the company is very angry today because most of his staff were _____ (缺席) from yesterday’s meeting. 19.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期中)The local government plans to _____ (创造) more jobs for young people and care more for the elderly. 20.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期中)His _____ (粗心) of improper driving is the cause of the car accident. 21.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期中)The primary school was _____ (命名) after Shao Yifu. 22.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期中)Our school basketball team will play _____ (对抗) theirs this Friday. 23.(2022·江苏南京·九年级期中)You’d better look up the right _____ (发音) of this word in the dictionary. 24.(2022·江苏扬州·九年级期中)_____ is just an excuse, you need to do more exercises. (粗心) 25.(2022·江苏扬州·九年级期中)Who do you think _____ your life and future during our lifetime. (塑造) 26. ... ...

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