
Unit 2 An Accident复习课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:81次 大小:3246835Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 An Accident 六年级上册英语 2020.10 目录 CONTENTS 一、 复习巩固 二、 练习提升 PART ONE 01 复习巩固 1、热身练习 动词原形 过去式 动词原形 过去式 watch study cough try clean am/is help are look have visit go want eat pass see paint make wash give play do watched helped coughed cleaned passed wanted painted looked studied washed did tried played was were gave had went ate saw made visited /w t t/ /k ft/ /helpt/ /kli:nd/ /l kt/ /'v z t d/ /ple d/ /w t/ /pɑ st/ /'pe nt d/ /'w nt d/ 动词过去式 动词不定式发音规律 1、单词结尾发音是清辅音的,发/t/; 2、以字母t 、d结尾的,发/ d/; 3、单词结尾发音是浊辅音及元音的,发/d/。 动词不定式变化规律 1、一般情况下直接加ed; 2、以不发音字母e结尾,直接加d; 3、以辅音字母加y结尾的,变y为i再加ed; 4、不规则变化,如go→went。 2、英汉互译 1、看电视 _____ 2、看电影 _____ 3、打扫房间 _____ 4、看望朋友 _____ 5、吃早餐 _____ 6、吃慢点 _____ 7、come in _____ 8、下次 _____ 9、上次 _____ 10、上课 _____ 11、look sick _____ 12、做作业 _____ 13、帮助妈妈 _____ 14、去游泳 _____ 15、打扫桌子 _____ 16、make a mess _____ 17、play football _____ 18、come back _____ 19、放学后 _____ 20、在七点 _____ watch TV clean the room visit a friend eat slowly have breakfast at 7 o‘clock watch a film 进来 看起来不适 next time do homework last time 弄得一团糟 have classes help Mom clean the table after school 踢足球 回来 go swimming 3、句型复习 询问某人过去做了什么: ———What did + 主语 + do +过去时间状语? 回答: ———主语 + 动词过去式短语. 3、句型练习 they; last week; ——— What did they do last week ———They watched a film. ———What did he do yesterday ———He visited a friend. he; yesterday I didn't visit a friend yesterday. He didn't go to school yesterday. We didn't clean the room yesterday. They weren't at school. He wasn't at home. 某人过去不在某地: 主语+wasn't/weren't+表地点的介词短语 某人过去没有做某事: 主语+didn't+动词短语(原形)+过去时间. 01 02 4、句型复习 总结: ———What did + 主语 + do +过去时间状语? ———主语 + 动词过去式短语. 1 3 4 2 主语+didn't+动词短语(原形)+过去时间. 主语+wasn't/weren't+表地点的介词短语. PART ONE 02 练习提升 一、找出不同类的单词。 1.( )A. clean B. visit C. want D. went 2.( )A. slowly B. friendly C. quickly D. quietly 3.( )A. window B. door C. desk D. watch 4.( )A. sick B. careful C. sad D. slowly D D D B 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I _____ (have) a dream last night. 2. She _____ (go) to a farm yesterday. 3.He _____ (do) go to school last night. 4.Look!They _____ (play) football now. 5.She _____ (clean) the house last night. went had cleaned didn‘t are playing 三、连词成句 1.what;you;do;at;yesterday;did;school 2. I;sick;at;night;was;last;home 3. watched;after;we;school;a;film 4. yesterday;school;I;not;go;did;to 5. they;at;weren’t;school What did you do at school yesterday I was sick at home last night. We watched a film after school. I did not go to school yesterday. They weren't at school ... ...

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