
新派英语课标版二年级下册Unit 5 A Revision of Dinosaurs课件(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-09-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:32次 大小:6677024Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) A Revision of Dinosaurs Dinosaurs Dinosaurs, both huge and small, Walked over all the Earth Millions and millions of years ago, Bang! Went the comet, Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Sharp teeth and spikes Didn’t help you then. Nothing stopped the dust and cold, Poof! Went the dinosaurs. Dinosaur Land 6. 7. 1. 3. 2. 5. 4. What dinosaurs are they 2. What did it eat 3. When did it die out 4. How did it protect itself 2. It ate plants. 3. It died out 64 million years ago. 4. It protected itself with three sharp horns. 1. How long was Triceratops It was 9 meters long. How about other dinosaurs Can you tell me Hey, Daxiong, let’s have a quiz. Look at Triceratops and T. rex, which dinosaur was longer En… I have no idea. Can you help me, my dear friends A quiz Which dinosaur was bigger than Triceratops, Apatosaurus or Stegosaurus Apatosaurus was bigger than Triceratops. Which dinosaur was smaller than T. rex but bigger than the Stegosaurus Triceratops was smaller than T. rex but bigger than the Stegosaurus. Answer the questions. Which dinosaur had a longer tail than the other three dinosaurs Apatosaurus had a longer tail than the other three dinosaurs. Which dinosaur was fiercer than the other three dinosaurs T. rex was fiercer than the other three dinosaurs. A quiz Answer the questions. True or false. A quiz True or false. A quiz Apatosaurus had a huge size body. Stegosaurus had spikes on its tail and large bony plates on its back. Apatosaurus was heavier than Stegosaurus. T True or false. A quiz Stegosaurus ate plants. T. rex ate meat. Stegosaurus had sharper teeth than T. rex. F True or false. A quiz T. rex died out 64 million years ago. Apatosaurus died out 138 million years ago. T. rex died out earlier than Apatosaurus. F True or false. A quiz Triceratops was 9 meters long. T. rex was 15 meters long. Triceratops was shorter than T. rex. T What was in the bottle Listen and then choose the correct answer. 1. _____ are how we know about dinosaurs. A. The Earth B. Fossils C. dinosaur bones 2. Dinosaurs walked the Earth for _____ million years. A. 64 B. 150 C. 115 3. Some grew to be bigger than _____. A. houses B. horses C. a backpack 4. Maybe they died out because the Earth got too _____. A. hot B. cold C. dirty 5. They lived in _____ places. A. a B. the same C. different A Note Read me! Dinosaurs walked the Earth for 150 million years. Some dinosaurs ate meat and some ate plants. Some walked on the land, some flew in the air and some swam in lakes. The last ones died out about 64 million years ago. Maybe it was because the Earth got too cold for them or a comet hit the Earth. Some dinosaurs grew to be bigger than houses. Some were smaller than a backpack. Nowadays people learn about dinosaurs from fossils. What we know about dinosaurs There are no dinosaurs alive now. They _____ (walk) the Earth for 150 million years. Some dinosaurs ____ (grow) to be _____ (big) than houses. Some were ____ ... ...

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